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The Power of Disruptive Leadership

I would like to thank everyone that has invited me to talk about Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time

You can download the slides from my  Disruptive Leadership presentation here.

For those of you interested in how to scale a Scrum Implementation, or who want to learn more about our Scrum at Scale framework, contact Scrum Inc.’s JJ Sutherland.

If you  would like to learn more about Scrum, we’ve created an array of online resources at ScrumLab, our digital library for cutting edge Scrum practices.


Jeff Sutherland, CEO Scrum Inc. 

[slideshow_deploy id=’7742′]Download the Disruptive Leadership Slides

Scrum at Scale

The framework creates loosely coupled modules that act as the skeleton to which the muscle of different practices is connected. Each module is defined by “goals” (what needs to be accomplished) “inputs” (information from another part of the organization) and “outputs” (what the module produces). The details of how these defining inputs and outputs are fulfilled is left up to the implementing team.

Submit your pattern and share your module configuration with the community. 

Download it: Slides | Infographic

Scrum Inc. Scrum at ScaleScrumLab Prime is the definitive resource for the latest research, thought and practice of Scrum. It is designed not only to helpTeams increase their Velocity and continuously improve but to help drive revenue. ScrumLab Prime is packed with expanded content that includes insightful videos, papers and patterns from some of the leading minds in Scrum.

ScrumLab Prime is also home to our online course library. Learn how to write and negotiate an Agile Contract, how to architect your project to allow iterative development, and why its crucial to estimate in points, not hours. ScrumLab Prime also reserves you a seat for all future live on-line courses. We broadcast a new course every month. Join Prime

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