![Scrum in Sales board](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=Mzg4OjM0Nw==-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgMzAwIDIyNCIgd2lkdGg9IjMwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSIyMjQiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PC9zdmc+)
Scrum Sales Board
Working with OpenView Venture Partners, I've seen Scrum implemented everywhere in 100% of the venture group and some of our portfolio companies. Now I'm seeing other companies doing the same thing.
In the past month I have seen people aggressively implementing Scrum outside of software development. Joint hardware/software teams are emerging as the hardware people figure out how to break things down and produce regular working prototypes for software testing.
I've talked to many sales teams using Scrum. It needs to be simple and lightweight for the sales team. Here is Accurev's agile sales implementation. The iteration length is a little long for Scrum but it seems to work for them. Accurev has a useful Agile Glossary as well.
You’re So Agile! Implementing Agile… in a Sales Team?
September 27th, 2010 by cluccaNo comments »
My job here at AccuRev involves working as an “Agile Evangelist,” and along with the other Evangelists on my team, we have appropriately named ourselves “Team AgileCycle.” Prior to our AgileCycle product launch, AccuRev took a company initiative to bring Agile into every part of the business. The idea was to bring an educational awareness of Agile process to all of our teams by implementing basic Agile practices. ”Team AgileCycle” was responsible for bringing Agile to the sales team, so our salespeople could have a taste of what Agile development was really all about.
(I should point out that we do realize sales organizations and development organizations are vastly different, and certain Agile practices can’t be applied to a sales cycle. But we did see great opportunities to pick up Scrum methodologies and usefully apply them to help within our sales organization. Some of the changes we made do not qualify as not “pure” Agile, or even best practices, but the point of this exercise was to expose our team to some of the things software developers are doing in the real world.)
Implementing Agile Step 1: Sales Scrum Training
Implementing Agile Step 2: Implement Sales Standups
Implementing Agile Step 3: Mark Out Sprint and Retrospectives.
Implementing Agile Step 4: The Task Board