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SCRUM project management is becoming increasingly important as scalability of SCRUM across multiple projects in large organizations is attempted. On 18 December, I posted a note on how to provide charts and graphs for management of a SCRUM project in less than 10 minutes per day.

For those implementing SCRUM, it is useful to understand the historical experience that has led to development and enhancement of the SCRUM process in recent years. A better informed SCRUM Master will run a better SCRUM.

Today, I was filing away one of the early papers that was useful in thinking about managing object-oriented development projects. SCRUM works for any type of project, but it is particularly adapted to the iterative cycle of object technology projects. The Pittman paper is as relevant today as when it was written in 1993. For those of you in large companies, it even indicates how to estimate projects using Barry Boehm's COCOMO methodology. While this is not necessary for most SCRUM projects, it can be useful in satisfying even the most demanding beaurocracy. It also will force you to think hard about the key forces that drive project success. Check out:

Pittman, Matthew. Lessons Learned in Managing Object-Oriented Development. IEEE Software 10:1:43-53, Jan/Feb 1993.

Boehm, Barry et al. Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II. Prentice Hall, 2000.
