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Scrum in Sales

Scrum in Sales Scrum has it’s roots in software development, but it is often applied in other domains. Manufacturing, education, contracting, defense, even non-profit work. One area of early success in adopting Scrum has been sales.  Businesses that have...


Muda Muda, or wasted effort, is one of the three types of waste outlined by Taiichi Ohno in his seminal book, The Toyota Production System. (See the slides for a breakdown of all three forms of Waste.) Estimated time for this course: 15 minutesAudience:...

Agile Architecture

Agile Architecture It takes a change in mindset to do it, but Agile Architecture speeds-up development and innovation. The co-creator of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland, and the founder of Team WIKISPEED, Joe Justice, two of the industry’s thought leaders in this area, explain...
Agile Contracts

Agile Contracts

Agile Contracts As Scrum and Agile practices become mainstream and fundamentally change the way companies work internally, it is only natural that the way companies work with each other will also change. Unfortunately, many procurement departments are ill equipped to...