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Be Critical, Scrum and Feedback

Be Critical, Scrum and Feedback

There was an interesting radio piece on American Public Media’s Market Place the other day. Host Kai Ryssdal talked with Stephan J. Dubnar of Freakonomics fame about what the latest academic research on feedback tells us.  Here’s how it breaks down: to get people to...
The Serenity of Flow

The Serenity of Flow

The Scrum Master class attendees were off and running on a self-organization exercise. The drill was simple: plan, build, and test as many paper airplanes as you can in 3 minutes. I was busily preparing for the next class module when I gradually became aware of what...
Is Your Family Agile?

Is Your Family Agile?

New York Times columnist and author Bruce Feiler has just published a new book titled: The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More.  The secret it turns out is applying agile development to...
Everyone Scrum!

Everyone Scrum!

By Joel Riddle Scrum is exploding across the industry according to the latest annual State of Agile Survey. Yesterday I talked to Robert Holler, CEO of VersionOne, a maker of agile tools and the sponsor of the survey. He believes the most dramatic number is a 14%...