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Google Gmail

Now that I have given away Gmail accounts to anyone on the PatientKeeper development team who wants one, I have a few more to pass on to people in the Scrum community. If you have been looking for a Gmail account, send me a note. First come, first serve.

Start with Scrum

Primavera Looked for Something Better Bob Schatz came to Primavera a few years ago as the new Vice President of Development. He brought with him experiences from his career at General Electric and then a software start-up. Steeped in the principles of leadership,...

Waterfall Method: A Colossal Blunder!

Larman, Craig. Agile and Iterative Development. Addison Wesley, 2003. I have received many requests for documentation of project failures caused by the waterfall method and the history of the many disasters introduced by accident when the Department of Defense...

Real Time Process Improvement with SCRUM

Tonight, I am giving a presentation on SCRUM at the Boston Software Process Improvement Network monthly meeting at MITRE Corp. in Bedford, MA. It is a variant of the SCRUM Theory and Practice portion of the OTUG workshop I did in Minneapolis last year. Sutherland,...

The Deeper Theory of Scrum

In response to requests for presentations on Scrum, my lectures in Minneapolis in 2003 are the best material. I’m moving it back to the top of the page for those interested in checking out the slides and the first slide says it all: The Zen of SCRUM So simple,...