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SCRUM: Keep Team Size Under 7!

SCRUM: Keep Team Size Under 7!

A few teams in a 500 person development group at IDX Systems (now GE Healthcare) generated production code at five times the industry average, while most of the teams who executed SCRUM, only doubled productivity over industry average. One of the problems in the large...
SCRUM: Agile database development

SCRUM: Agile database development

Fowler, Martin and Sadalage, Pramod. Evolutionary Database Design Abstract: Over the last few years we’ve developed a number of techniques that allow a database design to evolve as an application develops. This is a very important capability for agile...
SCRUM: Dealing with Bugs in a Sprint

SCRUM: Dealing with Bugs in a Sprint

Update on 17 Sep 2008: Please note that this is a very old posting in the early days of PatientKeeper before we learned how to eliminate the “QA Sprint” or “stabilization Sprint” before going to full production in a hospital system. The...