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Driving Continuous Improvement

Find a vast array of advanced scrum topics and patterns that can increase your Team’s Velocity. Online courses and classes for Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, and those team members seeking continuous improvement. If you’re not a member, visit our pricing and plans page for more detail.

Patterns: Finish Early, Accelerate Faster

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) is a Scrum pattern language composed of  a number of Scrum Patterns used together. FEAF is an incredibly powerful pattern language because it will help new Teams establish good practices and take experienced Teams  Hyper-Productive; defined as a Velocity 400% higher than a Teams’ initial Velocity.

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Scrum Retrospectives

One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity.

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All Continuous Improvement Topics

Hackathon – How it’s done at Facebook

Many companies using Scrum have hackathons. Some once a quarter, some once a month, some every week. Here is a great video from a Facebook hackathon.The Birth of Facebook Video from Soleio on Vimeo.Does Facebook do Scrum? You decide. Click here for another video...

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Microsoft Agile Guidance: Visual Studio 2010

  Agile Principles and Values, by Jeff Sutherland Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Agile development is a term that was derived from the Agile Manifesto, which was written in 2001 by a group that included the creators of Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Dynamic...

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Scrum, Innovation, and Jobs

Scrum, Inc. is located at the Cambridge Innovation Center, a site with hundreds of startups in one building, certainly the largest center on innovation in New England, probably in the country. Academics study us in this place. Here's an example of some research that...

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Using Scrum in SAP Implementations

I continually get questions on whether Scrum is used in SAP implementations. It is a core strategy for SAP. However, it is difficult to find good documentation of this. My recommendation now is if you need this, go to Scrum training for SAP implementations. You will...

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Meeting Nonaka-san in Tokyo

A father of Scrum meets a grandfather of Scrum in Japan Sean Osawa talks about Atlassian January 24, 2011 10:50 AM The historic event An historic event, Innovation Sprint 2011, took place in Japan on January 13. As some readers may know, the word Kanban in agile...

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Scrum Startup Founders Cash Out in One Year

Founders of TableNinja went to Scrum Inc. ScrumMaster Course in Los Angeles (see next course in LA) and one year later cashed out and retired. You can play 75 simultaneous online poker hands with this software.   Table Ninja Review Table Ninja is a standalone...

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Optimized Scrum: Getting to Done Done Done Done

At my last company we delivered production software to multiple large enterprises at the end of every sprint. Within two years we dominated all competitors. Our CEO said he didn't understand why we couldn't get Done (feature testing), Done (integration testing), Done...

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