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Driving Continuous Improvement

Find a vast array of advanced scrum topics and patterns that can increase your Team’s Velocity. Online courses and classes for Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, and those team members seeking continuous improvement. If you’re not a member, visit our pricing and plans page for more detail.

Patterns: Finish Early, Accelerate Faster

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) is a Scrum pattern language composed of  a number of Scrum Patterns used together. FEAF is an incredibly powerful pattern language because it will help new Teams establish good practices and take experienced Teams  Hyper-Productive; defined as a Velocity 400% higher than a Teams’ initial Velocity.

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Scrum Retrospectives

One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity.

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All Continuous Improvement Topics

Scrum Day Keynote South Africa: Take No Prisoners

I gave the keynote address for Scrum Day in South Africa, filling in for Ken Schwaber who had a bicycle accident the previous week. The group asked me to talk about the paper we presented at Agile 2009 called "Take No Prisoners: How a Venture Capital Group Does...

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Pivotal Tracker: Now with a Burndown Chart!

Pivotal Tracker is a great lightweight tool for running distributed Scrum. It's free and I use it for my company and my wife has used it for Scrum in Church. Ward Cunningham says it is the only tool that is as good as cards. Well, maybe not as good as a Scrum Board...

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Ready: The Dynamic Model of Scrum

The Definition of Ready by Serge BeaumontI give CSM trainings with Jeff Sutherland, and about half a year ago he had put something in his material called "the dynamic model of Scrum". The essential feature was the addition of a READY state opposite the DONE state. The...

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Nokia Test: Online

The latest version of the Nokia test is now ready for online scoring in French and English thanks to Antoine Vernois. We are finding that for teams that can establish a baseline velocity, raising the score two points will typically double velocity and quality. Raising...

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nlscrum – Hilversum, Netherlands 24 June 2009

I spent the month of June in Europe and one of the highlights was the nlscrum meeting held at Xebia in the Netherlands. We had a full house that wanted to talk about taking the Red Pill instead of the Blue Pill. See "Agile Architecture: Red Pill or Blue Pill." Good...

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