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Driving Continuous Improvement

Find a vast array of advanced scrum topics and patterns that can increase your Team’s Velocity. Online courses and classes for Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, and those team members seeking continuous improvement. If you’re not a member, visit our pricing and plans page for more detail.

Patterns: Finish Early, Accelerate Faster

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) is a Scrum pattern language composed of  a number of Scrum Patterns used together. FEAF is an incredibly powerful pattern language because it will help new Teams establish good practices and take experienced Teams  Hyper-Productive; defined as a Velocity 400% higher than a Teams’ initial Velocity.

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Scrum Retrospectives

One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity.

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All Continuous Improvement Topics

Taking Programming to the Extreme

By Erik Sherman July 19, 2002 "The quest for quality software may require programmers to lose the cowboy attitude and learn to cooperate. "Mansour Raad had a big problem. His start-up firm, DiscoverCast, was developing collision-detection software for the airline...

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Rugby, Anyone?

Scrum is a good alternative for flexible programming that turns around a fast product. by Brian Noyes, June 28, 2002. In a rugby game, a scrum is a part of the game that is a cross between a kickoff and a quarterback snap in American football: a "play in which the...

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Good article by Linda Rising on SCRUM meetings

Rising, Linda. Agile Meetings. STQE Magazine, May/Jun 2002. "I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING: “OH, BOY, another article on meetings. Just what I need!” Believe me, I hate meetings as much as you do. In fact, I consider meetings the biggest time sink in organizations...

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GE’s Take on SCRUM: Engines of Democracy

by Charles Fishman, Fast Company 28, p 174 Self-organizing teams can produce really high quality. In some companies there are no managers when the teams are all self-organizing. "Although engines go out the door of this plant at a rate of more than one per day, the...

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Agile Software Development: Does Agile Work?

Check out the June 2002 Software Development Magazine for a great article by Jim Highsmith on Agile case studies, "Does Agility Work?" One of them was a highly successful project that reimplemented a leading radiology software product in new technology. This type of...

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