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What is Timeboxing?

What is Timeboxing?

What is Timeboxing? Timeboxing is allotting a fixed, maximum unit of time for an activity. That unit of time is called a time box. The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum...

Business Leaders in Japan Embracing Scrum

This past February, Japan’s telecom giant KDDI invited Scrum Inc. to deliver a Scrum Inc Scrum Master and Product Owner training. Dr. Jeff Sutherland and I traveled to Tokyo to teach these classes. KDDI also hosted an evening event for 100+ of Japan’s most prominent...
Why Waterfall Doesn’t Scale

Why Waterfall Doesn’t Scale

Recently a group of professors online asked me whether Scrum at Scale™ works. They agreed that agile approaches worked for small teams but were wondering about large projects. I told them they needed to do their homework and read the literature, also talk to the...