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Impulsar la mejora continua

Encuentre una amplia gama de temas y patrones avanzados de scrum que pueden aumentar la Velocidad de su Equipo. Cursos y clases en línea para Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, y aquellos miembros del equipo que buscan la mejora continua. Si no eres miembro, visita nuestra página de precios y planes para más detalles.

Patrones: Terminar pronto, acelerar más rápido

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) es un lenguaje de patrones Scrum compuesto por una serie de Patrones Scrum utilizados conjuntamente. FEAF es un lenguaje de patrones increíblemente poderoso porque ayudará a los nuevos Equipos establecer buenas prácticas y adoptar Equipos experimentados  Hiperproductivo; definida como Velocidad 400% superior a la Velocidad inicial de un Equipo.

Visite la página completa del curso.

Scrum Retrospectivas

Uno de los principios fundamentales de Scrum es la idea de la mejora continua. Cada Sprint el Equipo durante el ciclo de inspección y adaptación. Retrospectiva reunión. Más allá de eso, la Guía Scrum no ofrece mucha información sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito una retrospectiva y cómo utilizar la reunión para mejorar la producción, la calidad y la velocidad.

Visite la página completa del curso.

Todos los temas de mejora continua

User Stories And The Alternatives

User Stories And The Alternatives by Avi Schneier and Tom Bullock | August 26, 2020 | Blog If the Sprint is the heartbeat of Scrum, the Product Backlog is its backbone.  To be effective, a Backlog must be comprised of individual items written in such a way that the...

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Scrum In Construction Webinar

From mega-projects and infrastructure to commercial buildings and residential construction, Scrum projects are safer and come in under budget and early. Attend this webinar to learn how Agile and Scrum are revolutionizing construction.

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Coach the Coach Episode 2 – Building Relationships

Coach the Coach Episode 2 - Building Relationships by Dee Rhoda and Tom Bullock | July 31st, 2020 | Blog To be effective, all coaches must develop a productive relationship with their team or teams. If they don’t know you, trust you, believe you, and understand you,...

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Determining The Right Length Of Your Sprint

Determining The Right Length Of Your Sprint by Dave Slaten, Kendra West, and Tom Bullock | July 30, 2020 | Blog The duration of your Sprint sets the cadence for everything else in Scrum; Events, releases, the work itself. Therefore, determining the optimal Sprint...

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Why 47% of Agile Transformations Fail!

Why do 47% of Agile Transformations Fail?   A good time was had by all at Scrum Day India 2020. My talk on “Why 47% of Agile Transformations Fail!” was well received. After many requests for the slides I am posting them here. I recently read that 47% of Agile...

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2020 Scrummer Reading List+

2020 Scrummer Reading List We all know this is a very different kind of summer (or winter for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere). One where the need to escape, learn, grow maybe even more acute.  Our annual tribute to great reads (and listens) is here to help. ...

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