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Impulsar la mejora continua

Encuentre una amplia gama de temas y patrones avanzados de scrum que pueden aumentar la Velocidad de su Equipo. Cursos y clases en línea para Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, y aquellos miembros del equipo que buscan la mejora continua. Si no eres miembro, visita nuestra página de precios y planes para más detalles.

Patrones: Terminar pronto, acelerar más rápido

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) es un lenguaje de patrones Scrum compuesto por una serie de Patrones Scrum utilizados conjuntamente. FEAF es un lenguaje de patrones increíblemente poderoso porque ayudará a los nuevos Equipos establecer buenas prácticas y adoptar Equipos experimentados  Hiperproductivo; definida como Velocidad 400% superior a la Velocidad inicial de un Equipo.

Visite la página completa del curso.

Scrum Retrospectivas

Uno de los principios fundamentales de Scrum es la idea de la mejora continua. Cada Sprint el Equipo durante el ciclo de inspección y adaptación. Retrospectiva reunión. Más allá de eso, la Guía Scrum no ofrece mucha información sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito una retrospectiva y cómo utilizar la reunión para mejorar la producción, la calidad y la velocidad.

Visite la página completa del curso.

Todos los temas de mejora continua

XM Patterns

XM Patterns Just as software design patterns have dramatically accelerated the speed of quality software development, we are seeing hardware design patterns provide repeatable solutions to common challenges faced by hardware scrum team. The “Gang of Four” format is...

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Scrum for Maximum Awesome

Scrum Beyond Software As Agile practices and Scrum move outside of software we are seeing new pockets of innovation occurring.  In this online course, you will learn how Agile software techniques can be applied in multiple domains including physical engineering and...

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How Complexity Changes Leadership

How Complexity Changes Leadership I just finished reading Retired General Stanley McChrystal’s outstanding book: Team of Teams. While the book is not specifically focused on Agile practices, it turns out that when US Troops are dying at the hands of a viral...

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Who Fires a Scrum Team!?

In an Agile 1.0 organization, where a traditional management structure exists with Scrum teams in delivery roles, management fires the Scrum team if they don’t perform. In an Agile 2.0 organization, where the entire company is re-organized into Scrum teams that...

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Scrum Metrics: Get 4x Velocity

Get Hyper-Productive with Scrum Metrics Hyper-Productive Metrics are tools that help closely examine Teams and conduct experiments to improve their productivity. They can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly they allow the evaluation of...

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Hyper-Productive Scrum Metrics

Hyper-Productive Metrics Hyper-Productive metrics are designed to help Scrum Masters carefully tune their teams into a hyper-productive state. Hyper-Productivity is defined as a 400% increase in Velocity over the baseline Velocity with corresponding quality. The…

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Jeff Sutherland on Aggressive Scrum

Aggressive Scrum The 2015 Chaos Report from the Standish Group shows only 39% of Agile teams are successful – that means that 61% of them are not meeting the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. Aggressive Scrum focuses on using Scrum...

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The Big M Build Party

Scrum Inc.'s Joe Justice and Joel Riddle delivered a build party at SME's The Big M conference the first week in June. Special thanks to Dan Greening, Jonathan Watrous, and Ila Lee. If you are interested in sponsoring or holding a build party at your next event, visit...

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