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Impulsar la mejora continua

Encuentre una amplia gama de temas y patrones avanzados de scrum que pueden aumentar la Velocidad de su Equipo. Cursos y clases en línea para Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, y aquellos miembros del equipo que buscan la mejora continua. Si no eres miembro, visita nuestra página de precios y planes para más detalles.

Patrones: Terminar pronto, acelerar más rápido

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) es un lenguaje de patrones Scrum compuesto por una serie de Patrones Scrum utilizados conjuntamente. FEAF es un lenguaje de patrones increíblemente poderoso porque ayudará a los nuevos Equipos establecer buenas prácticas y adoptar Equipos experimentados  Hiperproductivo; definida como Velocidad 400% superior a la Velocidad inicial de un Equipo.

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Scrum Retrospectivas

Uno de los principios fundamentales de Scrum es la idea de la mejora continua. Cada Sprint el Equipo durante el ciclo de inspección y adaptación. Retrospectiva reunión. Más allá de eso, la Guía Scrum no ofrece mucha información sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito una retrospectiva y cómo utilizar la reunión para mejorar la producción, la calidad y la velocidad.

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Todos los temas de mejora continua

Managing Offshore Software Projects

Verma, Vikas (2008) Managing Offshore Software Projects. Icfai University Press. A new book republished the Scrum case study on the highest performing large project ever recorded. Sutherland, J, Viktorov, A., and Blount, J. (2006) Adaptive Engineering of Large...

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What to do when Sales guys are Waterholics …

Here is today's best question in my long list of emails. The Sales guys don't want Scrum in a company because they think they can't commit to the customer to close deals. "We need to sign the contract first. The customer does not sign the contract, if finish date,...

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PatientKeeper HIMSS08: Scrum @work

PatientKeeper runs a Type C Scrum and quadrupled revenue in 2007. HIMSS is the biggest IT show in healthcare and PatientKeeper was one of the hottest companies there. "I'm such a PK groupee now! I'll be sure to get that contract signed in the next 2 weeks."...

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Planning Poker Cards: Faster, Better, Cooler!

I'm leaving Stockholm today after working with Crisp on Scrum training this week. In my bag are the new, upgraded, Crisp planning poker cards. Developers have been asking for more colors. We now have eight colors to support a Scrum team so each person has a different...

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HICSS 2008: Schedule of Agile Papers

Wild man Evan Campbell demonstrates Type C Scrum at HICSS 2007 Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable Co-Chairs: Jeff Sutherland and Hubert Smits HICSS 41, January 7-10, 2008 - Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii ST 1...

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Why Time Sheets are Lame!

Programmer time vs. Quality Software Score. Totally uncorrelated! Actually time sheets are worse than lame: * they demotivate developers * 10-15% loss of productivity is the minimum * developers have to fake the time to fill them out properly * erroneous data is used...

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Scrum and CMMI Level 5: A Magic Potion for Code Warriors

      (this blog has moved to An earlier blog item commented on the dramatic advantages of using Scrum with CMMI, particularly with a CMMI Level 5 company. See Scrum supports CMMI Level 5. At the Agile 2007 Conference in Washington, D.C., an...

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