Su navegador no soporta JavaScript. HICSS 2008: Schedule of Agile Papers - Scrum Inc.
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Wild man Evan Campbell demonstrates Type C Scrum at HICSS 2007

Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable
Co-Chairs: Jeff Sutherland and Hubert Smits
HICSS 41, January 7-10, 2008 - Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort
Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii

ST 1 Thursday; Kona 3; 8:00 – 9:30
Bridge Methods: Complementary Steps Integrating Agile Development Tools and Methods with Formal Process Methodologies
Stephen J. Cohen and William H. Money
Rolling Out Agile in a Large Enterprise
Gabrielle Benefield
Great Scrums Need Great Product Owners: Unbounded Collaboration and Collective Product Ownership (in competition for best paper)
Ken H. Judy and Ilio Krumins-Beens

ST 2 Thursday; Kona 3; 10:00 – 11:30
Effects of Agile Methods on Website Quality for Electronic Commerce
David F. Rico
A Case Study: Introducing eXtreme Programming in a US Government System Development Project
Ann Fruhling, Patrick McDonald, and Christopher Dunbar
Retrofitting Cyber Physical Systems for Survivability through External Coordination
Kun Xiao, Shangping Ren, and Kevin Kwiat
Scrum y CMMI Nivel 5: La poción mágica para los guerreros del código
Jeff Sutherland, Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen, and Kent Johnson
