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Think big, start small, fail fast, iterate rapidly — is key to enabling innovation

Agile is a methodology based on iterative development, where requirements, ideas, and solutions evolve through collaboration between cross-functional teams.


The goal of creating an Agile environment here in IS&T is to BUILD solutions better and faster, RESPOND quickly to change and opportunities, and ENABLE the DLCs and Admin units to accelerate innovation.

We will continue to update this page with more information, and will also send information about additional training opportunities over the next few weeks.

We’ll be continuously improving this page. Please send any ideas to Also, this is a custom curated page specifically for IT@MIT’s Agile initiative. However, there is plenty of other content that may be of interest to you. You can find all topics here.

Agile is a mind set. Its goal is to increase innovation and lower the cost to make change.

Scrum is a framework of best practices. It dramatically increase productivity.

Agility is a mindset. There is no hard and fast definition. It is based on emergent principals and looks different depending on the context it is being used in. The term Agile was coined when a handful of thought leaders were trying to solve problems associated with software development. The Agile Manifesto’s four values were the result of everything that they could agree on. Later, a set of 12 principles were added to the values.

Most Agile development is based on a combination of Scrum and eXtreme Programming. Scrum is the way teams work. XP is a set of technical practices. Together they form the backbone of what it means to be Agile. However, there are numerous patterns and practices that have emerged from the Agile community that can solve known problems, augment the framework and help in specific contexts.

Please read the Manifiesto Ágil as well as the 12 principles that articulate the Agile mind-set. Please use this site as a reference for understanding more about the Agile methodology and the Scrum framework.

Below is short and digestible video that gives you a quick overview of how Scrum works.

Scrum Inc. The Scrum Framework

Click for an interactive tour of the Scrum Framework

The best place to start is with The Basics of Scrum, an eight page primer on the core Scrum framework. The Guía Scrum is the official document of Scrum. It is endorsed by its founders and the Scrum Alliance, the official certifying body of Scrum. These resources, along with the info-graphic linked to the right, will give you the minimum knowledge necessary to have a successful understanding of the Scrum framework.

Below are a handful of key topics that include an hour-long online courses that discuss the basics.



Helpful Topics

Scrum Inc. The SprintScrum Fundamentos

Solid Scrum fundamentals will increase your productivity and help management see how Scrum is working for them. How is your Velocidad trending? What is your kaizen? What makes the top item in your Lista de productos pendientes so important? No matter how strong your Scrum … 

Scrum Pitfalls graphicScrum Pitfalls Pt. I

The iterative nature of Scrum is a risk management mechanism that, even when poorly implemented, usually results in at least a 30% improvement in productivity. The rules of Scrum are simple and straightforward, and the underlying principles are intuitive. That is not to say, however, …

Scrum Pitfalls graphicScrum Pitfalls Pt. II

Scrum Pitfalls Part II continues the conversation from Parte I and dives deeper into the missteps we see Agile organizations commonly make. This episode will examine the role of leadership in Scrum and the importance of removing the right Impedimentos. These … 

Scrum Inc. Scrum PatternsPattern Language: Finish Early, Accelerate Fast

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) es un lenguaje de patrones Scrum compuesto por una serie de Patrones Scrum utilizados conjuntamente. FEAF es un lenguaje de patrones increíblemente poderoso porque ayudará a los nuevos Equipos establecer buenas prácticas y adoptar Equipos experimentados  

Velocity in Scrum


Velocity is a measure of the amount of work a Equipo can tackle during a single Sprint and is the key metric in Scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the Sprint by totaling the Puntos for all fully completed … 

Independent User Stories cake image


Redacción de historias de usuarios

User Stories are Product Backlog Items that are concise and clear descriptions of functionality in terms of its value to the end user. The User Story always takes the form: “As a ______ I want to ___________ so that I can ______.” Our experience has shown that when a …

Scrum Inc. Definition of DoneDefinición de Hecho

Each Scrum Equipo has its own Definition of Done. What matters is that each Team has a shared definition that every one understands. The Team’s Definition of Done is used to assess when work on a Historia de usuario has been completed.Here’s …

Definition of Ready Scrum Inc.Definición de Listo

Tener una definición de listo significa que las historias deben ser inmediatamente procesables. El sitio Equipo debe ser capaz de determinar lo que hay que hacer y la cantidad de trabajo necesaria para completar el Historia de usuario o

points vs hoursPuntos frente a horas

Estimation is a fundamental building block in Scrum. Without it Product Owners y Scrum Masters will struggle with securing a release date and showing velocity improvement. When adopting Scrum the tendency is to continue approximating in time. Unfortunately, reams …

Scrum Inc. Happiness Metric ToolRetrospectives Online Course

The Happiness Metric is a simple, fast, and effective way of surfacing the kaizen, or process improvement, during the Sprint Retrospective. Everyone knows instinctively that happy people do higher quality work, delight customers, and contribute to a better workplace. More and more, talented people simply …

Welcome to ScrumLab’s Online Course Library!  You can also have access to all of Jeff Sutherland’s white papers

  • No online courses
  • All of our online courses earn both Project Management Institute PDUs and Scrum Alliance SEUs. For more on how to claim your PDUs and SEUs, visit our FAQ page

    Selected Scrum Papers

    Los equipos que terminan pronto aceleran más rápido: Un lenguaje de patrones para equipos de alto rendimiento Scrum

    J. Sutherland, N. Harrison, and J. Riddle, IEEE HICSS 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, 2014.

    El primer Scrum

    Jeff Sutherland, Doctor PatientKeeper, Inc. 2004

    El proceso de desarrollo del Scrum

    K. Schwaber, "Proceso de desarrollo del Scrum", en Taller OOPSLA de diseño e implementación de objetos empresarialesJ. Sutherland, D. Patel, C. Casanave, J. Miller y G. Hollowell, Eds. Londres: Springer, 1997

    Cómo un gestor de proyectos tradicional se transforma en Scrum: PMBOK vs. Scrum

    J. Sutherland y N. Ahmad, presentado en Ágil 2011Salt Lake City.

    Scrum- Un lenguaje de patrones para el desarrollo de software

    M. Beedle, M. Devos, Y. Sharon, K. Schwaber y J. Sutherland, vol. 4, N. Harrison, Ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1999, pp. 637-651.

    Tres pasos para una retrospectiva eficaz

    Scrum Inc. Diciembre 2012
