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The First Scrum: Was it Scrum or Lean?

The First Scrum: Was it Scrum or Lean?

Today I got a question in email about Scrum and Lean, fallout from the recent workshop I did with Mary Poppendieck at MIT. Is Scrum related to Lean? Are we finding out new things about Scrum or Lean? Are customers asking for Lean? After thinking about the early days...

Origins of Scrum

For a more complete discussion of the orgins of Scrum see the Scrum Papers. Scrum derives directly from the Takeuchi and Nonaka paper in the Harvard Business Review, “The New New Product Development Game.” The best example in this paper is Honda and their...

The Managers Role in Scrum

Open Space hosted by Jens Ostergaard Minneapolis, Nov 2006 Notes by Stacia Broderick The purpose of this open space was to discuss the role of the manager in the scrum process. Jens told us that Scrum could be CMMI Level 5 compliant if a manager role were to be...