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El Sprint

The Sprint Sprints are the heartbeat of Scrum, where ideas get turned into value. They are fixed length events of one month or less designed to create a consistent delivery and feedback cadence for the team. All the work and events necessary to achieve the Sprint Goal...


Impediments An Impediment is anything that keeps the Team from getting work Done and that slows Velocity. Impediments come in many forms: a sick team member, a missing resource, lack of management support or even a cold team room. If it’s blocking the team from...
Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning Sprint Planning opens each Sprint. The Product Owner discusses the Sprint Goal with the Team and the Scrum Master. They then collaborate to reach a mutual understanding of the Sprint Goal and the work needed to achieve it. This resulting plan gets...

Product Backlog Refinement

Product Backlog Refinement Because requirements in Scrum are only loosely defined, they need to revisited and clearly defined before they come into the Sprint. This is done during the current sprint in a ceremony called Product Backlog Refinement. Estimated time for...

USPS Goes Agile, At Least With Software

Often it’s the things you never think about can really hit you. You’ve seen all of those  U.S. Postal Service labelled sacks, trays, boxes, wheeled containers, etc. All of those are ordered from the postal service, some 230,000 orders each year. Large...