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ScrumLaboratorio abierto

Bienvenido a ScrumLab Open ScrumLab Open es un recurso gratuito que explica el marco básico, las funciones y los patrones clave de Scrum. Incluye definiciones claras, vídeos ilustrativos del inventor de Scrum, así como artículos publicados sobre las prácticas de Scrum. ScrumLab abierto es...

El poder del liderazgo disruptivo

I would like to thank everyone that has invited me to talk about Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time.  You can download the slides from my  Disruptive Leadership presentation here. For those of you interested in how to scale a Scrum Implementation,...

The Scrum Framework: How Scrum Works

How Scrum Works: Scrum Framework Scrum is a simple framework to boost productivity and deliver products that will delight your customers. It does this by breaking the complex into smaller, component parts. Scrum Teams then focus on tackling one piece at a time. After...