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Perfecting Scrum Basics

Find clear definitions and the original thinking behind the core Scrum Framework.


Uno de los principios fundamentales de Scrum es la idea de la mejora continua. Cada Sprint el Equipo durante el ciclo de inspección y adaptación. Retrospectiva reunión. Más allá de eso, la Guía Scrum no ofrece mucha información sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito una retrospectiva y cómo utilizar la reunión para mejorar la producción, la calidad y la velocidad. Visite la página completa del curso.

How To Launch a Scrum Team

Join us as we share how we help clients launch teams. We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on what to do, what the common impediments are, how to avoid the worst and conquer the inevitable. Visite la página completa del curso.

All Topics on Scrum Basics

Ready: The Dynamic Model of Scrum

The Definition of Ready by Serge BeaumontI give CSM trainings with Jeff Sutherland, and about half a year ago he had put something in his material called "the dynamic model of Scrum". The essential feature was the addition of a READY state opposite the DONE state. The...

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Nokia Test: Online

The latest version of the Nokia test is now ready for online scoring in French and English thanks to Antoine Vernois. We are finding that for teams that can establish a baseline velocity, raising the score two points will typically double velocity and quality. Raising...

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nlscrum – Hilversum, Netherlands 24 June 2009

I spent the month of June in Europe and one of the highlights was the nlscrum meeting held at Xebia in the Netherlands. We had a full house that wanted to talk about taking the Red Pill instead of the Blue Pill. See "Agile Architecture: Red Pill or Blue Pill." Good...

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Ritual Roasters: Is this the world’s best cappucino?

In my travels, I'm always hunting for a better cappucino. In general, Norway has the best coffee. There are two locations where I can get an extraordinary cappucino in Oslo. However, the best cappucino I've had is roasted and prepared in San Francisco at Ritual...

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HICSS 2010 Papers: Need Reviewers!

HICSS-43 PAPER SUBMISSIONS - Need reviewers with review deadline 14 Aug Track: Software Technology Minitrack: Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable Co-Chairs: Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield January 5-8, 2010 The Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort...

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HICSS 43 Call for Papers – submissions due 15 June 2009

It's time for you to get your most scintillating Agile theories together, write a kick-ass paper that could get published in the IEEE library and spend a week in beautiful Hawaii next January. Sound good? Then get writing! HICSS-43 CALL FOR PAPERS - submissions due 15...

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Scrum in Church

We presented this paper at Agile 2009. Our reviewers think this will become one of the great Agile papers. Scrum in Church: Saving the World One Team at a Time Rev. Arline Conan Sutherland, Jeff Sutherland, Ph.D., Christine Hegarty From 2005-2009 the author led Scrum...

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Ken Schwaber on "Flaccid Scrum – A New Pandemic?"

Agile Bazaar June Meeting Date: Thursday June 18 Time: 6:00 - 9:00pm Place: To be announced (A Burlington location was planned but we are looking for a larger space and will announce it soon) RSVP: Go to  to register. We expect to fill all the...

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Evidence-based Advocacy of Scrum and Agile

Bob Marshall, Transformational Leadership Specialist & Co-founder of the UK Rightshifting Network I attended a great talk by Jeff Sutherland (one of the founders of Scrum) in London last night, courtesy of JP Morgan and the ACCU. For all those folks who missed it...

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SmartBear: A better way to do code review …

At OpenView Venture Partners we encourage portfolio companies to do code reviews - online, not face to face. Contrary to most agile practices where face to face communication is preferable, there are some distinct advantages to online review - no posturing, no...

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Shock Therapy: British Telecom Presentation

Photo by twhume On 2 April, I presented the latest version of "Shock Therapy: Self-Organization in Scrum" at British Telecom in London. An earlier version of this presentation was presented at Google in the summer of 2008. The Google presentation is now on YouTube and...

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Sprint Burndown: by hours or by story points?

The best teams I work with burn down story points. They only burn down when a story is done. To do this, the team needs to have small stories. They will need to work with the product owner to make this happen. In disciplined teams this saves a lot of overhead and...

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Selling Scrum: How to persuade people to change!

Taichi Ohno. Workplace Management. Gemba Press 2007 People constantly ask me how to sell Scrum either to management or to developers. The real question has nothing to do with Scrum. It has to do with leadership and how do you persuade people to change from an old way...

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Hawaii Agile Papers – HICSS 2009

HICSS presentation on distributed Scrum is posted at link below. Software Technology Track Co-chairs: Gul Agha and Rick Kazman Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable Co-chairs: Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield ST1 Tuesday Queen’s 4; 8:00 –...

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Scrum in Seattle: Last Week to Sign Up

Civica Office Commons 225 108th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Scrum Certification Seattle 12-13 Jan 2009 This course will be led by Jeff Sutherland, Co-Creator of Scrum and Mitch Lacey, former Agile coach at Microsoft. Jeff will discuss his latest papers being submitted...

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Scrum Makes You Feel Better

"The types of activities which people all over the world consistently report as most rewarding - that is, which make them feel best - involve a clear objective, a need for concentration so intense that no attention is left over, a lack of interruptions and...

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Christmas Cheer: The Little Scrummer Boy

Frank Fortner, SVP of Application Development at Iatric Systems, sent me this note recently and at the request of a Scrum Trainer who I shared it with, agreed to contribute his good cheer to the larger Scrum community. ------------- Hi Jeff, We've recently implemented...

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