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Perfecting Scrum Basics

Find clear definitions and the original thinking behind the core Scrum Framework.


Uno de los principios fundamentales de Scrum es la idea de la mejora continua. Cada Sprint el Equipo durante el ciclo de inspección y adaptación. Retrospectiva reunión. Más allá de eso, la Guía Scrum no ofrece mucha información sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito una retrospectiva y cómo utilizar la reunión para mejorar la producción, la calidad y la velocidad. Visite la página completa del curso.

How To Launch a Scrum Team

Join us as we share how we help clients launch teams. We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on what to do, what the common impediments are, how to avoid the worst and conquer the inevitable. Visite la página completa del curso.

All Topics on Scrum Basics

Toyota Chairman Fujio Cho: Why He Matters

Business 2.0, 1 Jul 2006 Why He Matters: High oil prices? Toyota says, Bring it on. In May, as the average cost of a gallon of gas approached $3, Toyota reported a 17 percent sales increase over the year before, even as General Motors and Ford saw declines of 16 and 2...

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InfoQ and the Roots of Scrum

The JAOO Conference is coming up next week in Denmark. This is one of the leading annual software developer conferences and highly recommended. Last year, I presented at the JAOO conference on the Roots of Scrum. It was a great conference with about 900 Java and .NET...

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Scrum Tuning: Program Management with Scrum – Boston

Scrum Tuning: Program Management with Scrum 1-2 Nov 2006 Boston Sign up using buttons on left side of page ... Take your ScrumMaster certification or knowledge of basic Scrum, Agile and lean practices to the next level! Get Agile at Patientkeeper, one of the most...

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All-At-Once Scrum: The Agile Enterprise

At the Agile 2005 conference in Denver, I presented a research paper on a multi-team, multi-product Scrum which has a daily Scrum-of-Scrums meetings and a weekly MetaScrum where all Sprints are started, stopped, or changed by a broad base of company stakeholders. Thus...

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John Scumniotales New Blog: Agile Project Development

In 1993, Easel Corporation acquired a German Smalltalk compiler company and hired me to lead a team to produce Object Studio for Smalltalk. We were a Microsoft partner and they must have liked our name as they later created Visual Studio. I essentially had a position...

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Microsoft Vista: Scrum or Not-Scrum

Peter Krantz rants on Scrum, Lies, and Red Tape at the Microsoft Vista project (see below). He's in Stockholm and I'm on a SAS flight over Greenland returning from two weeks in Sweden and Denmark doing several ScrumMaster Certification Classes. While Microsoft adopted...

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Why the Three Questions in the Daily Scrum Meeting?

In 2017, Ken Schwaber and I made the three questions in the Daily Scrum optional because we saw too many "zombie" teams that were giving lip service to the questions - not collaborating, not replanning, not swarming, and not removing impediments.  Also, we saw backlog...

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High Moon Wins Awards with Scrum

High Moon produced a great video on Scrum. Check it out! High Moon Studios, part of Vivendi Games, is a game developer currently working on titles for next-generation consoles. The company is founded by game veterans who are passionate about creating compelling,...

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Why GANTT Charts Were Banned in the First Scrum

GANTT charts have some utility when a Product Owner has to present to naive users (non-Agile managers) to get a project funded. Once implementation of the plan starts, the team enters the fog of war, just like a squad of troops entering battle. Military generals fully...

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New Innovations in ScrumMaster Training

ScrumMaster has developed a line of contact equipment for use in training aspects of the sport of rugby -- the world's foremost Scrum Machines. The principal aim in the development of these products is to provide teams with safe, effective tools with which to improve...

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Scrum in the Gaming Industry

Game Development Enters the Scrum GameDAILY BIZ Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Clinton Keith, High Moon So many developers seem locked into traditional game making processes, but as game creation becomes more and more complex (and costly), alternative methodologies may be...

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Why There Is No Rational Software Design Process

Tobias Mayer pointed out a classic paper in the scrumdevelopment group today. Parnas has created many papers that are now viewed as classics in the software development literature. This one points out many of the reasons why software development is an empirical...

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Scrum: It’s not for small projects any more …

Microsoft Lauds 'Scrum' for Software Development Projects David K. Taft eWeek, 11 Nov 2005 When Microsoft launched its long-awaited database and tools products last week, the company acknowledged it would have to act faster to revise its products faster as customer...

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Program Management with Scrum

Program Management with Scrum Training 13-14 October 2005 CLOSED New Balance Corporate Headquarters A good place to get Agile is at one of the leading athletic companies in the United States and in response to email with questions about this unique Advanced...

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Pump Up Your Stock Options With Agile Methods!

David Rico sent around the latest version of his thesis proposal and it makes for an interesting read. Developers in many companies have stock options and want them to have real value. Rico argues that a company declaring publicly that it supports Agile methods can...

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Agile Declaration of Independence

National Treasures of Agile Development Tue Jul 19 2005 02:34 PM By Robert Cowham, Steve Berczuk and Brad Appleton Introduction Recent research has discovered a very interesting cache of papers about a little known Tribe called the Agile Developers. The first document...

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Scrum Influencers: Colin Angle, CEO of IRobot

Scrum origins include the work of Colin Angle. As an MIT student, he sublet space in 1990 at my Object Databases lab in Cambridge and had his early robots hunting me down in my office. I spent a lot of time understanding Rodney Brooks subsumption architecture and it...

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The First Scrum Project Manager

John Scumniotales, the first ScrumMaster "The end of the project manager, the birth of the ScrumMaster, a transient job valid until the organization has changed and is self-managing." Ken Schwaber The quote from Ken Schwaber elequently describes the role of a project...

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Scrum Evolution: What’s it all about?

Love it or hate it, the Agile 2005 Conference reviewers thought the paper below was either a major innovation or a gross violation of the principles (dogma) of Scrum. It's motto is innovate or die and only the paranoid survive in the global economy. Does it show the...

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Attila II: Scrum Progenitor Honors Scrum Gathering

Attila II: Progenitor of Scrum, hotel@MIT The Scrum Gathering this week is at hotel@MIT in Cambridge. I'm sitting in on a ScrumMaster training course led by Ken Schwaber. We plan on doing one together at PatientKeeper in Boston in August. This would be a great...

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Scrum: Where Did Rapid Application Development Come From?

IEEE Computer published an issue on agile development in 2003. Of particular interest is an article on the history of iterative development, highly recommended for anyone interested in the background Agile methods. Most of the "Rapid Application Development (RAD)"...

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