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Liderazgo del pensamiento ágil

En Scrum Inc., nuestras décadas de experiencia en consultoría Agile abarcan diversos sectores y dominios. Los clientes confían en nosotros para afrontar retos complejos a escala empresarial y obtener resultados tangibles. Nuestro trabajo a menudo conduce a nuevos descubrimientos, perspectivas innovadoras y conocimientos de valor incalculable, lo que nos permite proporcionar liderazgo de pensamiento líder en la industria desde el campo.

Agilidad empresarial: la intersección de resultados y eficiencia

Existe un debate en la comunidad mundial de coaching y formación Agile sobre si debemos centrarnos en los resultados o en la eficacia de los equipos. El Dr. Jeff Sutherland interviene en este debate y explica una forma eficaz de medir la agilidad empresarial.

¿Está preparado para saber cómo Scrum Inc. ayuda a los líderes empresariales de todo el mundo a conseguir una agilidad que les permita ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad más rápido que nunca? Programe una llamada ▶

Agile Teams In A Time of Disruption: How To Optimize Distributed Team Performance

Agile Teams In A Time of Disruption: How To Optimize Distributed Team Performance

The pandemic has changed the way we all work. And it’s time we embrace reality; even when the disruption of COVID-19 ends, some elements of the virtual ways we now work will remain. Scrum Inc.’s Avi Schneier is one of our principal consultants who has helped organizations meet this challenge. He recently shared his insights during a 30-minute webinar.

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Scrum Guide Release 2020 – Scrum Guide Celebrates 25

Guía Scrum Edición 2020 - La Guía Scrum celebra su 25º aniversario

Dr. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber hosts a live event featuring the release of the updated Scrum Guide, celebrating 25 years of Scrum. The updated Scrum Guide is leaner but its core remains empirical. The key pillars of Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation remain part of the guide. Updates are based on 25 years of Scrum practiced by you, our Scrum community.

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Better Scrum with Essence

How can we help teams get better at understanding, adopting, using and improving Scrum? A powerful new idea that the Essence standard brings is formally describing the lifecycle of states that key items go through with simple checklists.

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Five Whats That Lead To Effective Impediment Removal

Five Whats That Lead To Effective Impediment Removal

We’ve all been there. We know what work needs to be done. But an impediment stands in our way. However, sometimes simply surfacing an impediment does not provide the context needed to get it resolved. This is why Scrum Inc. Consultant Alex Sheive has evolved a lightweight template to make sure all that context is clear.

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Traza tu rumbo hacia la agilidad con Scrum Inc. en LinkedIn. Únete a nosotros para conocer temas de actualidad, ideas y conversaciones en nuestro boletín, el Agile Navigator.
