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Liderazgo del pensamiento ágil

En Scrum Inc., nuestras décadas de experiencia en consultoría Agile abarcan diversos sectores y dominios. Los clientes confían en nosotros para afrontar retos complejos a escala empresarial y obtener resultados tangibles. Nuestro trabajo a menudo conduce a nuevos descubrimientos, perspectivas innovadoras y conocimientos de valor incalculable, lo que nos permite proporcionar liderazgo de pensamiento líder en la industria desde el campo.

Agilidad empresarial: la intersección de resultados y eficiencia

Existe un debate en la comunidad mundial de coaching y formación Agile sobre si debemos centrarnos en los resultados o en la eficacia de los equipos. El Dr. Jeff Sutherland interviene en este debate y explica una forma eficaz de medir la agilidad empresarial.

¿Está preparado para saber cómo Scrum Inc. ayuda a los líderes empresariales de todo el mundo a conseguir una agilidad que les permita ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad más rápido que nunca? Programe una llamada ▶

Scrum Inc. Scrum Trainer Spotlight: Brian Hackerson

Scrum Inc. Scrum Trainer Spotlight: Brian Hackerson

Brian Hackerson is a Scrum Inc. Scrum Trainer™ and co-creator of Agile Best Self. His work embraces the fact that becoming better teammates, employees, leaders, and members of our communities, starts with becoming better ourselves.

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What Kind of Coach Are You?

What Kind of Coach Are You?

Every great team has a great coach. Every great Agile organization has a stable of great coaches to help drive, sustain, and scale success across the enterprise. In short, the quality of Scrum and Agile coaches matter. Listen/watch the latest ScrumCast episode to learn more…

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Scrum in Healthcare

Scrum in Healthcare

Improving the process of turning around an operating room leads to both better patient outcomes and boosts the revenue of a hospital. This is why our hospital partner wanted to cut the average turnaround time for an operating theater by an average 15 minutes or more, without sacrificing standards or safety. Here’s how we did it…

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Systemic Racism: An Open Letter to the Scrum Community

Systemic Racism: An Open Letter to the Scrum Community

It is no longer enough to simply not be a racist. White supremacy must end. We must be actively anti-racist. We call on everyone in the Scrum and Agile community to take a stand. We must do all we can to demand and get real change. Silence is complicity.

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