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Liderazgo del pensamiento ágil

En Scrum Inc., nuestras décadas de experiencia en consultoría Agile abarcan diversos sectores y dominios. Los clientes confían en nosotros para afrontar retos complejos a escala empresarial y obtener resultados tangibles. Nuestro trabajo a menudo conduce a nuevos descubrimientos, perspectivas innovadoras y conocimientos de valor incalculable, lo que nos permite proporcionar liderazgo de pensamiento líder en la industria desde el campo.

Agilidad empresarial: la intersección de resultados y eficiencia

Existe un debate en la comunidad mundial de coaching y formación Agile sobre si debemos centrarnos en los resultados o en la eficacia de los equipos. El Dr. Jeff Sutherland interviene en este debate y explica una forma eficaz de medir la agilidad empresarial.

¿Está preparado para saber cómo Scrum Inc. ayuda a los líderes empresariales de todo el mundo a conseguir una agilidad que les permita ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad más rápido que nunca? Programe una llamada ▶

How Scrum Improves Gender Parity in the Workplace

How Scrum Improves Gender Parity in the Workplace

Scrum improves gender parity in the workplace because it requires radical honesty and transparency. It helps to highlight prejudices and poor practices. This should lead to equal treatment, equal pay, and equal opportunities.

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Team Working Agreement Canvas

Lienzo del acuerdo de trabajo en equipo

At Scrum Inc., we employ a workshop for launching many teams at once. As I contemplated how to improve this workshop, I began seeing a lot of different ways that the Lean Canvas layout was being employed for different purposes. I wondered if I could do the same for a team launch. The end result is our Team Working Agreement Canvas.

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Why You Should Hire Your Own Scrum Masters

Why You Should Hire Your Own Scrum Masters

True business agility is no longer something that’s nice for an organization to have. It’s a core competency that will separate you from your competitors. Yet outsourcing Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches is still a tactic being used by companies large and small. In our experience, clients only become hyperproductive when their internal Scrum Masters are effective “team-level” Agile coaches and leaders. Here’s how to make that happen.

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Framing Impediments – Empowering Teams and Helping Leadership Listen

Framing Impediments – Empowering Teams and Helping Leadership Listen

I have been in a few organizations where leaders say, “we aren’t getting any impediments.” Why would teams raise issues but the leaders don’t think it is really a problem? We have come up with four questions to frame these impediments that allow for the teams to choose their own destiny, become more empowered while removing leadership as a bottleneck.

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