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Liderazgo del pensamiento ágil

En Scrum Inc., nuestras décadas de experiencia en consultoría Agile abarcan diversos sectores y dominios. Los clientes confían en nosotros para afrontar retos complejos a escala empresarial y obtener resultados tangibles. Nuestro trabajo a menudo conduce a nuevos descubrimientos, perspectivas innovadoras y conocimientos de valor incalculable, lo que nos permite proporcionar liderazgo de pensamiento líder en la industria desde el campo.

Agilidad empresarial: la intersección de resultados y eficiencia

Existe un debate en la comunidad mundial de coaching y formación Agile sobre si debemos centrarnos en los resultados o en la eficacia de los equipos. El Dr. Jeff Sutherland interviene en este debate y explica una forma eficaz de medir la agilidad empresarial.

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Arquitectura ágil

Agile Architecture A key practice in Scrum is to deliver small slices of functionality each Sprint. These slices need to encompass every layer of a system, from what the customer sees to the darkest corners of the backend. This even includes the architecture itself….

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Agile Contracts

Contratos ágiles

Agile Contracts As Scrum and Agile practices become mainstream and fundamentally change the way companies work internally, it is only natural that the way companies work with each other will also change. Unfortunately, many procurement departments are ill equipped to…

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Agile a escala empresarial

Scaling Agile for the Enterprise Scaling Agile for the Enterprise is a challenge that many large organizations face as they implement Scrum Teams across more and more of their operations. Coordinating multiple Teams that are working on multiple projects can seem…

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Agile Innovation – Innovate or Die

Agile Innovation Innovation is increasingly the key to commercial success, with leading companies producing new products and new features at an ever faster rate. Yet innovation is often seen as uncontrollable – the unexpected result of fortuitous happenstance. So how…

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Scrum and Management

Why Management Needs Scrum The question is always the same: “How do I deliver the best product for the lowest cost and the highest profit?” Scrum has repeatedly answered this question, but often management still has a hard time grasping the business case for…

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