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Developers in Scrum

Definition of Developers in Scrum: People in the Scrum Team that are committed to creating any aspect of a usable Increment

Como el Guía Scrum notes, Developers are the people in the Scrum Team that are committed to creating any aspect of a usable Increment each Sprint. The term Developers is used because these are the people who develop or create the increment. It does not mean software developers exclusively. It is intended to be an inclusive term. If you are working on a usable increment that helps achieve the Sprint Goal, consider yourself a Developer.

The specific skills needed by the Developers on a Equipo Scrum are often broad and will vary with the type of product or service they are working on. Regardless of domain or the type of work they do, Developers are always accountable for:

  • Creating the Sprint Backlog: a plan for the Sprint
  • Aligning on the Sprint Goal: The single objective for the Sprint
  • Instilling quality: by adhering to a Definición de Hecho
  • Adapting their plan each day: toward the Sprint Goal
  • Holding each other accountable: as professionals

In Scrum, developers can be:

Business Development Specialists
Human Resource Professionals
User Experience Researchers
Customer Experience Specialists
Mechanical Engineers
Lab Technicians
Quality Assurance Specialists
And more...

Aprenda Scrum a distancia de aquellos que ayudaron a crearlo.

Nuestros cursos en línea son en directo, altamente interactivos e impartidos por destacados expertos. Obtenga una credencial reconocida en el sector mientras se posiciona a sí mismo, a su equipo y a su organización para triunfar en el complejo clima empresarial actual.
