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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

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All ScrumLab Open Topics

Guía Scrum Actualizar

On July 6, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, the creators of the Scrum Framework, held a webinar to discuss updates to the Scrum Guide. They also answered questions submitted by scrum practitioners around the globe.

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Scrummer Reading List

Scrummer Reading List 2016 We asked some of our team members to share their top picks for summer* reading. The list is full of inspirational gems. If you read one, let us know what you think. We'd also like to hear from you! In the comments section, please tell us...

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Scrum@Scale™ Certification Now Available

Scrum@Scale™ Certification Now Available Scrum Inc. is excited to offer our two-day Scrum@Scale™ course, which was developed by the co-creator of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland. Students who complete our training will receive a Scrum@Scale™ Practitioner certificate. For a...

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Scrum in Innovation

Learn how Agile teams are using a systematic and comprehensive innovation framework with real metrics, meaningful dashboards, and a concept called “ideascrum” to power an innovation revolution.

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Liderazgo ágil: Confianza vs. Control

Confianza vs. Control en el Liderazgo Ágil Escuché la conferencia de Henrik Knieberg, coach empresarial de Spotify y líder de pensamiento Ágil, y me encantó su analogía sobre Confianza vs. Control. Utiliza el concepto de regulación del tráfico, en concreto una...

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What I Learned at Toyota

What I Learned at Toyota Test driving the new Toyota hydrogen powered Mirai with Pierre Masai I first met Pierre Masai, CIO of Toyota Motors Europe (TME), a few years ago at the annual Lean IT conference in Paris. Pierre is an agile advocate committed to driving Scrum...

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Writing Better User Stories

Writing Better User Stories User Stories are Product Backlog Items that are descriptions of functionality. The User Story always takes the form: “As a ______ I want to ___________ so that I can ______.” Our experience has shown that when Teams master producing clear,…

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Agile Innovation: How to Scrum Ideation

Agile Innovation: How to Scrum Ideation   I’m very interested in the growth and evolution of the Agile process, and its eventual mainstreaming into types of work beyond writing software. In particular, I’m very interested in the intersection of Agile and...

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Equipo de acción ejecutiva

Responsabilidades del Equipo Ejecutivo de Acción La transición de la gestión de proyectos tradicional a la Scrum supone un cambio de paradigma. Con demasiada frecuencia, el liderazgo cree que implementar Scrum es un simple cambio de proceso que se puede delegar. El liderazgo debe apropiarse de una transición Agile...

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XM Patterns

XM Patterns Just as software design patterns have dramatically accelerated the speed of quality software development, we are seeing hardware design patterns provide repeatable solutions to common challenges faced by hardware scrum team. The “Gang of Four” format is...

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Scrum for Maximum Awesome

Scrum Beyond Software As Agile practices and Scrum move outside of software we are seeing new pockets of innovation occurring.  In this online course, you will learn how Agile software techniques can be applied in multiple domains including physical engineering and...

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How Complexity Changes Leadership

How Complexity Changes Leadership I just finished reading Retired General Stanley McChrystal’s outstanding book: Team of Teams. While the book is not specifically focused on Agile practices, it turns out that when US Troops are dying at the hands of a viral...

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Who Fires a Scrum Team!?

In an Agile 1.0 organization, where a traditional management structure exists with Scrum teams in delivery roles, management fires the Scrum team if they don’t perform. In an Agile 2.0 organization, where the entire company is re-organized into Scrum teams that...

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Scrum Metrics: Get 4x Velocity

Get Hyper-Productive with Scrum Metrics Hyper-Productive Metrics are tools that help closely examine Teams and conduct experiments to improve their productivity. They can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly they allow the evaluation of...

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Hyper-Productive Scrum Metrics

Hyper-Productive Metrics Hyper-Productive metrics are designed to help Scrum Masters carefully tune their teams into a hyper-productive state. Hyper-Productivity is defined as a 400% increase in Velocity over the baseline Velocity with corresponding quality. The…

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Jeff Sutherland on Aggressive Scrum

Aggressive Scrum The 2015 Chaos Report from the Standish Group shows only 39% of Agile teams are successful – that means that 61% of them are not meeting the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. Aggressive Scrum focuses on using Scrum...

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The Big M Build Party

Scrum Inc.'s Joe Justice and Joel Riddle delivered a build party at SME's The Big M conference the first week in June. Special thanks to Dan Greening, Jonathan Watrous, and Ila Lee. If you are interested in sponsoring or holding a build party at your next event, visit...

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