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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

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Concedida la primera calificación de capacidad Scrum

Este verano Scrum Inc. lanzó su programa de Evaluación de Capacidades Scrum. La evaluación se ha desarrollado cuidadosamente y se ha sometido a pruebas exhaustivas para ofrecer a los equipos y a las empresas una visión cuantificable y detallada del estado de su implantación de Scrum. Los resultados son medidas concretas y prácticas que las organizaciones pueden adoptar inmediatamente para mejorar. Las empresas que demuestran una implantación de Scrum de primera categoría también son reconocidas por su rendimiento con una calificación y un premio. La intención es reconocer a las empresas que van más allá y aplican un Scrum exhaustivo y meditado que ofrece excelentes resultados.

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Cómo hacer que funcione la puesta en pie diaria

Como autor del artículo Scrum in Church, me han invitado a dar una charla sobre el uso de Scrum en entornos no informáticos. Es difícil encontrar un entorno más alejado del desarrollo de software que una iglesia. Desde hace dos años trabajo en Scrum Inc., donde hacemos...

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Actualización: Scrum Métricas para equipos hiperproductivos

El Scrum Métricas para equipos hiperproductivos: How They Fly Like Figher Aircraft se presentará en la Conferencia HICSS del IEEE que se celebrará en Maui en enero. Una copia preliminar está disponible en línea en el enlace anterior. Anteriormente, OpenView Venture Partners grabó en vídeo el Scrum...

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Outsourcer dice: No subcontrate

Blog invitado Por Peter Vaihansky, Director General para América, First Line SoftwareNo externalice el desarrollo de su software. Sí, ha leído bien. Trabajo para una empresa de externalización de desarrollo de software, y le estoy diciendo que no externalice. ¿Por qué no? Todo el mundo lo hace, y...

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Un directivo a la vez

Por: Laura Althoff, Scrum Master y Directora Ejecutiva de Scrum Inc. El pasado fin de semana, mientras me ponía al día con mi madre por teléfono, surgió el tema de Agile. Le había dicho de pasada que había hecho una presentación en la reunión mensual de Agile Boston, pero...

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Anuncio de Scrumlab:

La comunidad y el recurso en línea definitivo para Scrum He formado, según el último recuento, a unos 7.000 Scrum Masters. Eso es mucho cambio para liberar en el mundo, y las historias que escucho son nada menos que inspiradoras. También escucho muchas preguntas sobre todos los temas...

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Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST

While he was updating his paper for Scrum "Shock Therapy," Scott Downey of Rapid Scrum found one of the original emails he wrote about how he boosted dozens of teams into hyper productivity. He comments below and the full paper was published as: J. Sutherland, S....

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White House Issues New IT Contracting Guidance

Greater Accountability and Faster Delivery Through Modular Contracting Posted by Joe Jordan, Steven VanRoekel on June 14, 2012 at 03:29 PM EDT Last week, we highlighted a number of ways in which reform of Federal Information Technology Management is giving taxpayers...

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Happiness Metric: The Effect of a Bad Boss

Bad bosses are one of most damaging factors in companies leading to unhappy employees which directly affects customer satisfaction and lowers revenue. One of the the primary effects of Scrum is to eliminate the bad boss. Any leader who wants to be better should take a...

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DoD Goes Agile

With waterfall failure after failure, even the government has decided to make Agile development a priority. Some people have a hard time believing this but I just want to take you through what happened in one department, the biggest one there is, the Department of...

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Don’t Wait. Just Begin.

Sometimes when I talk with people about starting up a Scrum team, or transforming their organization to Scrum, they get paralyzed. They think there are just so many things to do before they can start Scrum. They’ve got to get the right tool, the right space, the right...

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Happiness Metric Webinar

All the questions and growing excitement surrounding the Happiness Metric have made us decide to host a webinar on what it is, how it can be used, and how powerful it can be. Jeff's time is incredibly booked, and we know not everyone can make it to one of his classes,...

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Using Scrum For Organizing Your Life

One of the most amazing and rewarding things to me is how Scrum is being used not only in software development, but in all sorts of areas, from schools and churches, to everyday. After I realized Arline was using Scrum to organize a family weekend, I asked her to...

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Happiness Metric – The Wave of the Future

Update:  The Happiness Webinar archive is available. We review the extensive research behind this topic. ScrumInc used the happiness metric to help increase velocity over 500% in 2011. Net revenue doubled. The way to do this is now part of a formal pattern at...

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Taking Happiness Seriously

In preparation for our upcoming webinar on The Happiness Metric we've been doing a lot of research into how the world's leading thinkers are addressing the issue. Earlier this Spring, the Earth Institute published the first World Happiness Report for the United...

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