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ScrumLab Open es un recurso gratuito que explica el marco básico, las funciones y los patrones clave de Scrum. Incluye definiciones claras, vídeos ilustrativos del inventor de la Scrum, así como artículos publicados sobre las prácticas de la Scrum. ScrumLab open es perfecto para los curiosos de la Scrum, los principiantes o los profesionales avanzados que deseen refrescar los fundamentos.
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Todos los vídeos abiertos de ScrumLab
Todos los temas abiertos de ScrumLab
Scrum Inc Sprint 2 Retrospectiva: La métrica de la felicidad
Happiness Metric Prioridades de mejora de procesos - ScrumInc 15 Dic 2010 Scrum, Inc. fue una pequeña empresa alojada por OpenView Venture Partners en Boston entre 2006 y 2010. Como Scrum de dos personas que utilizaba Pivotal Tracker como herramienta Scrum, yo era un Product Owner remoto que viajaba 2-3...
La multitarea te vuelve estúpido: ¡Déjalo antes de que te dañe el cerebro!
Sabemos que la multitarea provoca retrasos en los proyectos, pero es aún peor de lo que pensábamos. Psychology Today informa sobre una nueva investigación que demuestra que genera una respuesta de estrés que daña las células del cerebro. Las dificultades de la multitarea Hacer demasiadas cosas te hace más lento y...
Laboratorio de vídeo de OpenView Venture Partners: Red troncal de Scrum
La columna vertebral estructural de Scrum según su fundador Dic 23, 2010 by Corey O'Loughlin Jeff detalla la historia de scrum, empezando por la estructura Cuando la idea de Scrum era sólo una noción en el cerebro del Dr. Jeff Sutherland, el creador del método de desarrollo ágil...
Tablero Scrum con esteroides: La asombrosa naturaleza de lo asombroso
Noticias de última hora: La pizarra de Vodafone gana el concurso Atlassian Ultimate Wallboard ... El equipo de Vodafone en Copenhague tiene un tablero Scrum con tecnología RFID que sabe cuándo se mueve una tarjeta y actualiza los datos en su sistema de seguimiento Jira. Una cámara de vídeo vigila la pizarra en todo momento ....
Da las gracias por el Día Scrum - 24 nov 2010
Dan Mezick organizó el Segundo Día Anual de Dar Gracias por Scrum el 24 de noviembre en Microsoft en Waltham, MA. Ken Schwaber y yo hicimos presentaciones y participamos en una mesa redonda. Todos lo pasamos muy bien. Scrum agresivo - ¿Qué ocurre cuando eliminas realmente los impedimentos?...
Performance Reviews – bogus, fraudulent, dishonest, bad management
Performance reviews are a predictable part of office life. Whether the employees write their own, or sit before a panel of bosses, it can be a grueling process. Often, managers only conduct them because they're told to, and workers embellish and obscure their...
ScrumDay Berlin: A Practical Guide to Great Scrum
On 17 November 2010, the keynote presentation at ScrumDay in Berlin was on how to systematically create hyperproductive teams. Slides are available at the link below. Available also is the Systematic Ready Ready Checklist for Product Backlog discussed during the...
Cost of Defects in Requirements
Tom Gilb, Jeff Sutherland, Kai Gilb Requirement defects cause rework. Every defect is a bug that causes extra work. So it is important to check your requirements for defects. Tom Gilb has an agile one hour workshop that will take a random page of your...
8 Lecciones aprendidas del primer equipo Scrum
Joe Kinsella, one of the developers on the first Scrum team, does a retrospective on his experience. A few years back I received a call from Stephen Denning, an Australian author best known for his books on organizational storytelling. Stephen wanted to talk with me...
Henrik Kniberg on Time Reports
How we got rid of time reports A story about waste elimination Have you ever dealt with time reports? Filled them in? Approved them? Shuffled them around?Did it feel like well spent time? Can you imagine a world without time reports?
Proyecto de traducción del Manifiesto Ágil
I worked with Henrik Kniberg in Stockholm this week and heard the latest about the Agile Manifesto translation project. A simple idea is having some far reaching effects. See Agile Manifesto Translation - program report Henrik Kniberg - Agile...
Scrumming on the iPhone
I've been working with a lot of developers using Scrum to build iPhone apps lately. Not sure if they used Scrum to build the music app in the video below, but JJ Sutherland thought it was cool enough to do a piece on it at National Public Radio. Sometimes Somethings...
Scrum in Sales?
Working with OpenView Venture Partners, I've seen Scrum implemented everywhere in 100% of the venture group and some of our portfolio companies. Now I'm seeing other companies doing the same thing. In the past month I have seen people aggressively implementing Scrum...
OpenView Venture Partners se abre el kimono
OpenView Labs supports expansion stage startup companies with a strong offering of expert support to portfolio companies. They have decided to open up their experience and expertise to all who are interested after working with agile practices and implementing Scrum in...
HICSS 2011 Agile Papers Accepted
The following papers have been accepted for presentation at HICSS-44 and for publication in the IEEE Digital Library. They have been uploaded to the publication site and are print ready. About 40% of papers submitted were accepted and each paper was reviewed by at...
Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team | Video on
Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team | Video on
Scrum is based on complex adaptive systems and emergent behavior
In the early days of Scrum we were steeped in complex adaptive systems theory and autonomous intelligent systems. This area of research is emerging in a new form called Ambient Intelligence (AmI) due to the proliferation of intelligent devices on the internet. This...
Nokia Test: Última versión
The "Nokia Test" for Scrum teams was developed orginally by Bas Vodde at Nokia Siemens Networks in Finland. It has been updated several times and appears in it latest incarnation in Jeff Sutherland's Scrum Certification classes where he demonstrates that attending the...
Haegwan Kim interviews Jeff Sutherland
Law of Success 2.0 To Make The World A Better Place Where All Human Beings Can Achieve Success For first part of the interview click here ... Conclusion: HK: Time moves on, so I want to have few questions about success. What is the definition of your success as an...
Estimation Accuracy: Extraneous information and anchoring effects
The Simula Lab in Norway has supported research on estimation error. Stein Grimstad's Ph.D. thesis on this topic has spawned several papers and references are provided below from the IEEE Digital Library in response to requests for sources. In particular, irrelevant...