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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

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HICSS 2011 Agile Papers - ¡Necesitamos revisores!

Necesitamos un buen revisor para una serie de ponencias sobre Agile presentadas a la Conferencia HICSS. Las revisiones deben realizarse antes del 14 de agosto. Si estás interesado, envía un correo electrónico a e indícame qué ponencias te gustaría revisar. Debes crearte una cuenta en...

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Scrum le hace más inteligente

Viñeta del blog de Amund Tveit Investigaciones cerebrales en ratas sugieren que la presión voluntaria en forma de objetivos audaces asumidos por equipos de alto rendimiento les hace producir más células madre neuronales, recablear el cerebro y volverse más inteligentes. La presión involuntaria, a menudo...

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URL actualizada de este blog:

Se ha completado el último paso de la migración con Google a la nueva estrategia de dominio para blogs. Este blog está ahora disponible en Si utiliza será redirigido automáticamente. Por favor, actualice...

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Microsoft Team Foundation Server lanza la plantilla Scrum

Anunciando Team Foundation Server Scrum v1.0 Beta aaronbjork 7 Jun 2010 9:13 AM Hoy, estamos anunciando y lanzando una nueva plantilla de proceso... Team Foundation Server Scrum v1.0 Beta. Esta es una nueva plantilla de proceso construida desde cero específicamente para Scrum...

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Scrum Gathering Munich Keynote: Practical Roadmap to Great Scrum

Una hoja de ruta práctica hacia una gran Scrum: Una guía sistemática hacia la hiperproductividad Jeff Sutherland, Ph.D - Presidente, Scrum Training Institute Los mejores datos del mundo sobre la Scrum proceden de una empresa con un nivel de madurez CMMI 5 que está migrando toda la recopilación de datos a la función...

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ScrumPloP Nyteboda Suecia 16-19 de mayo de 2010

Neil Harrison, Mike Beedle, Jim Coplien, Jeff Sutherland ... que es lo que decimos en danés para apreciarnos mutuamente por nuestra última vez de fellowship. Creo que todos estaríamos de acuerdo en muchos adjetivos para describir el evento: productivo, divertido, energizante y muchos más. Hicimos...

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MSF para el desarrollo ágil de software v5.0

Su equipo puede aplicar prácticas ágiles con mayor facilidad utilizando la plantilla de procesos para MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 con Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). La plantilla y esta guía te ayudarán a practicar Scrum y aplicar la ingeniería ágil....

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Rajile – Raj Mudhar on CMMI and Scrum

March 29 2010 – Dinner with Jeff SutherlandApril 23, 2010rmudharLeave a commentGo to comments2 VotesMonday, March 29, I had the opportunity to have dinner with Jeff Sutherland and other RTP leaders. The dinner was a fundraiser for CITCON, which came to RTP in...

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Team Spirit: A Pre-Condition for Winning?

  The Metaphysical Significance, Staggering Ubiquity, and Sheer Joy of High Fives The low five, the high 10, the low 10, the forearm bash, the fist bump, the flying chest bump, the shug, the leaping shoulder carom, the ass slap, the pound, the man hug, the dap, the...

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Deep Lean Stockholm 12 May 2010

Deep Lean with Mary Poppendieck & Jeff Sutherland & Henrik Kniberg, May 12th Spend a day with renown experts on Lean and Agile software development. This exclusive workshop happens only once per year worldwide and is limited to 20-25 participants. This...

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Scrum Log is moving to

Google is changing their strategy for blog support. As a result, this blog must move to a subdomain, in this case However, if you go to, you should be redirected to scrumjeffsutherland. There...

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Dan Mezick on Zombie Scrum Teams!

Abstract Teams must be authorized to create team culture. They must be 100% free to invent, create, manifest and work inside their own special, unique, meaningful, largely self-determined team culture. Ground rules set the stage for culture. All else follows. If the...

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Roots of Scrum: Takeuchi and Self-Organizing Teams

The first Scrum team was created directly from a paper which is required reading for any Scrum practitioner. It explains how to set up self-organizing teams and clearly outlines management's role in the process. Takeuchi and Nonaka. The New New Product Development...

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