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Todos los temas abiertos de ScrumLab
Recurso SCRUM: Lecciones aprendidas en la gestión del desarrollo orientado a objetos
La gestión de proyectos SCRUM es cada vez más importante a medida que se intenta escalar SCRUM a través de múltiples proyectos en grandes organizaciones. El 18 de diciembre, publiqué una nota sobre cómo proporcionar tablas y gráficos para la gestión de un proyecto SCRUM en menos de 10...
SCRUM: Gestión de errores en un sprint
Update on 17 Sep 2008: Please note that this is a very old posting in the early days of PatientKeeper before we learned how to eliminate the "QA Sprint" or "stabilization Sprint" before going to full production in a hospital system. The stabilization Sprint fully...
Desarrollo ágil: XP se adapta a grandes proyectos
Scaling Agile Methods: Can eXtreme programming work for large projects? By Sanjay Murthi, New Architect, October 2002 From literate programming to evolutionary delivery, veteran project managers have seen a variety of shifting development methodologies. Most recently,...
Mountain Goat Software en SCRUM
Mike Kohn has a nice description and presentation of the SCRUM development process on his web site. "Scrum works because it is a highly-empowering process that allows requirements and self-organizing teams to emerge. In their book, Schwaber and Beedle describe Scrum...
Gestión ágil de proyectos con SCRUM
Ambler, Scott. Managers Manage. Software Development, Oct 2002, p. 43. Scott provides a brief review of SCRUM project management. It's enough to get you started. Also the Software Development Conference is in Boston this year, 18-22 November. Check out: 21 Nov...
How to Fail with the Rational Unified Process: Seven Steps to Pain and Suffering
Pouring new wine into old wineskins has caused problems for thousands of years. When you take an agile development process and pour it into minds and marketing machines that reproduce the same old waterfall approach complete with GANT charts, failure should not be...
Agile Development: Reforming Project Management
Hal Malcomber has an interesting blog on "Reforming Project Management" that focuses on lean project delivery. If you run projects you might want to be reading this. Here is an interesting recent comment that explains why SCRUM avoids GANT charts. They are guaranteed...
Agile software development: Review and analysis
Abrahasson, Pekka et al. Agile software development: Review and analysis. ESPOO 2002, VTT Publications 478. 107p. Keywords: Software development, agile processes, agile methods, extreme programming, agile modelling, open source software development, software project...
Agile User Groups
There are user groups springing up around the Agile Alliance focused on improving development processes along the lines of the Agile Manifesto. I attended the New England Agile User Group on Thursday, 18 September, and a good time was had by all. Ken Schwaber's...
SCRUM vs. Waterfall: Point and Counterpoint
Note: CMM is a service mark of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Shawn Presson, Director of Organizational Practice, ITS Services, Inc. says: Why, why, why does everything think the waterfall life cycle is exclusively linear? It...
Taking Programming to the Extreme
By Erik Sherman July 19, 2002 "The quest for quality software may require programmers to lose the cowboy attitude and learn to cooperate. "Mansour Raad had a big problem. His start-up firm, DiscoverCast, was developing collision-detection software for the airline...
Rugby, Anyone?
Scrum is a good alternative for flexible programming that turns around a fast product. by Brian Noyes, June 28, 2002. In a rugby game, a scrum is a part of the game that is a cross between a kickoff and a quarterback snap in American football: a "play in which the...
Procesos ágiles: Carta de Ken Schwaber a IEEE Computer
I read with dismay “The Agile Methods Fray”, where two of the luminaries of software processes discuss traditional (defined) and agile approaches. The discussion was irrelevant to those attempting to understand the distinction. A sentence characterized the apparent...
Good article by Linda Rising on SCRUM meetings
Rising, Linda. Agile Meetings. STQE Magazine, May/Jun 2002. "I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING: “OH, BOY, another article on meetings. Just what I need!” Believe me, I hate meetings as much as you do. In fact, I consider meetings the biggest time sink in organizations...
GE’s Take on SCRUM: Engines of Democracy
by Charles Fishman, Fast Company 28, p 174 Self-organizing teams can produce really high quality. In some companies there are no managers when the teams are all self-organizing. "Although engines go out the door of this plant at a rate of more than one per day, the...
Agile Software Development: Does Agile Work?
Check out the June 2002 Software Development Magazine for a great article by Jim Highsmith on Agile case studies, "Does Agility Work?" One of them was a highly successful project that reimplemented a leading radiology software product in new technology. This type of...