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The official publication of "Software in 30 Days" is May 1. The book is a collaboration between the two creators of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber. The goal of Scrum is to actually have working software at then end of each Sprint, which should be 30 days or less. Working software means tested, integrated, and ready to ship if necessary! This book shows you how it's done. It shows you how you can implement Scrum in your company, and how to improve the Agile practices you are already using. From the introduction:

We, Jeff and Ken, have been in the software industry, collectively, for seventy years. We have been software developers, managers in IT organizations and software product companies, and owners of both product companies and service organizations. More than twenty years ago, we created a process that lets organizations deliver software better. Since then we have helped hundreds of organizations do the same. Our work has spread farther than we have ever imagined possible, being put to use by millions of people. We are humbled by the extent of its adoption, and we are awed by the feats people have used it to accomplish.

This is not the first book we have written on the topic of building software. It is, however, the first book we have written for people who do not themselves build software. This book is instead for leaders within organizations that depend on software for their survival and competitiveness. It is for leaders within organizations that can benefit from developing software rapidly, incrementally, and with the best return on investment possible. It is for leaders who face business and technological complexity that has made the delivery of software difficult. We have written this book so that these leaders can help their organizations achieve these goals, enhance their internal capabilities, improve their product offerings, and more.

This book is for CEOs, executives, and senior managers who need their organizations to deliver better software in less time, with lower cost, with greater predictability, and with lower risk. For this audience, we have a message: You may have had negative experiences with software development in the past, but the industry has turned a corner. The software profession has radically improved its methods and its results. The uncertainty, risk, and waste to which you are accustomed are no longer par for the course. We have worked with many software organizations
that have already turned the corner; we want to help you do so, too.

The book is available at Amazon y Barnes and Noble, in print and e-book versions. The print version is also available at Powell's.

Update: Can't believe I forgot it, if you're in the Netherlands, here's the link. Also available on y Thanks @scrumnl!
