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An Impediment is anything that keeps the L'équipe from getting work Terminé and that slows Vélocité. Impediments come in many forms: a sick team member, a missing resource, lack of management support or even a cold team room. If it's blocking the team from doing its work, it's an Impediment.

Temps estimé pour ce cours: 2 minutes
Audience: Débutant
Prérequis suggérés: Quotidiennement ScrumVélocité, Scrum Master

À l'issue de la formation, vous serez en mesure de

  • Be able to explain what an impediment is
  • Understand who is responsible for removing impediments
  • Learn the importance of identifying impediments
  • Se qualifier pour le PMI UFC. Voir FAQ pour plus de détails
Voir les diapositives du cours

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Impediements Overview:
Most Impediments are a form of Waste and can be identified by understanding waste in all its forms. The slides have a list of common Impediments Teams often run into.

Les Scrum Master’s main responsibility is to identify, track and help remove impediments. Often, team members remove their own impediments. Sometimes, Impediments are beyond the ability of the Team to remove. In that case, the Scrum Master may have to get support from outside of the Team.

Everyone on the Team shares responsibility for identifying Impediments. All Impediments should be flagged during the Quotidiennement Scrum. Reoccurring Impediments should be dealt with during the Rétrospective du sprint. If an Impediment just won't go away, the Team probably hasn't identified the root cause and should begin the A3 process.

It is vital for Teams to continually identify new impediments. This is part of a key concept in Scrum: l'amélioration continue. Not having a clearly identified impediment for the team to work on is itself a major impediment.

Learn Scrum Online

Scrum Startup for Teams is the best way to learn Scrum online. The curriculum and content was developed in collaboration with the co-creator of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland. Learn the fundamentals of Scrum in empirically-based lessons informed by the latest research and real-world experience. This is online training from the source.
