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New York Times columnist and author Bruce Feiler has just published a new book titled: The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More.  The secret it turns out is applying agile development to your household.
Every week starts with a family meeting. Kids and parents self-organize and self-manage (kids even help decide on their own incentives and punishments) and every week they have a retrospective to determine what they can do better next Sprint. Turns out that kids think their parent’s stress levels can improve.
Scrum: savior of the modern American family? Watch and decide for yourself.
You can listen to an NPR review and an interview with Bruce Feiler here et here.

Wanna learn more about Agile and childhood?  Click here for Scrum in schools.

-- Joel Riddle