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In the years since the first paper on metrics for hyperproductive teams, I have been thinking about new ways to measure high-performing teams.  Tune in to the webinar "Hyperproductive Metrics" for the latest metrics to guide teams on the path to hyperproductivity.


Jeff Sutherland and Scott Downey
Agile 2010 Experience Report
Scrum teams use lightweight metrics like story points, the burndown chart, and team velocity. The inventor of Scrum was a fighter pilot and used the burndown chart to help teams land a sprint properly. Recent work with hyperproductive teams shows they are like modern jet fighters in two ways. They have engines that produce velocity—alignment of the team, and team spirit. And they carefully measures aspects of performance to make slight adjustments in flight. Failing to constantly adjust the flight of the team can result in a hyperproductive crash into waterfall performance.
One hour discussion of a comprehensive, yet minimal set of team metrics used in an environment where hyperproductive teams are the norm, along with an Excel spreadsheet that can be used by any Scrum team to improve performance. Velocity, story completion by priority, work in progress, story acceptance rate by product owner, unplanned work, and trending accuracy of estimates all appear to be essential to determine the altitude, velocity, angle of attack, and attitude of a hyperproductive team. Slight adjustment of these parameters on a daily basis keeps the team on target. Half hour questions and discussion on using the Excel spreadsheet to improve team performance.