Votre navigateur ne supporte pas JavaScript ! ScrumPloP Nyteboda Sweden 16-19 May 2010 - Scrum Inc.
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Neil Harrison, Mike Beedle, Jim Coplien, Jeff Sutherland

... which is what we say in Danish to appreciate each other for our last time of fellowship. I think we'd all agree on many adjectives to describe the event: productive, fun, energizing, and many more.

We did great things. We created the first chapters of what will be a new body of Scrum literature — a body of literature that conveys the why behind all that is Scrum. We have captured definitive details of Scrum that are written down nowhere else. This body of literature will be useful by novices and by the most expert Scrum practitioners alike to understand Scrum foundations. Most important, we have created this literature as a social artifact, and have laid the foundations of a new community, that can and will evolve the understanding of Scrum into the future. Nowhere else on Earth is there any effort embracing this evolutionary vision of Scrum.

True to its roots in both patterndom and Scrum, the conference format was a powerful hybrid. As far as I know, this specific PLoP format has never been tried before. We forged new patterns in real time. Most work was done in pair-pattern-writing. Writers' workshops were self-organized instead of scheduled. Neil, maybe you could say a bit more about this format in your report, because it really seemed to work. I think that our overall productivity reflects the high degree of self-organization...
A special thanks to Neil Harrison for representing The Hillside Group and for conveying their blessing and sponsorship of the conference, and to Jim Cundiff for permission from the ScrumAlliance to use the Scrum name.
Jim Coplien - organizer of the first ScrumPloP