Votre navigateur ne supporte pas JavaScript ! Agile Richmond: Agile Software Development in the Enterprise
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A large crowd showed up in Richmond on 23 July to hear my latest talk on Scrum in the enterprise. Click here for slides on Agile Development in the Enterprise V8.

Agile Richmond, in partnership with CCPace and Staff Focus, are please to offer an opportunity to meet with Jeff Sutherland, one of the founders of Agile & Scrum. This event will be held at the Dominion Innsbrook Technical Center, 5001 Dominion Blvd, Richmond, VA 23060 on July 23rd at 6pm. Dr. Sutherland will speak on the topic of "Agile Software Development in the Enterprise". We will explore how companies large, small and enormous have used the hyper productivity of Agile to generate extraordinary financial returns. We will also discuss how Scrum scales up as companies grow, and the usage of Scrum for outsourced, distributed teams. And, perhaps most appropriate to these times, hear how venture capitalists are using Scrum to improve returns in their investment portfolios.
