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I've trained, at last count, some 7,000 Scrum Masters. That's a lot of change to unleash into the world, and the stories I hear are nothing short of inspiring. I also hear a lot of questions on every topic under the sun. I've done my best to answer them one on one, and I've written a few books that hopefully address some of them.  I also have a whole section of my website that recommends books by others that can answer a lot more.
But peole keep asking me about a reliable place online where they can go to learn more about Scrum, brush up their practice, share their stories, and learn from others. I'm pleased to announce the launch of Scrumlab - the place to go! It's still in its infancy, but I think we have a minimum viable product. There are forums where anyone can ask questions, anyone can share their thoughts, and where I, and the rest of the Scrum Inc. team, will be sharing our thoughts as well.
Do you have any questions about the Scrum Guide?
Have you ever wondered what others demo in the Sprint Review?
And we want to know about what you've done...what was the first thing you implemented after your Scrum Master class? And are there any questions you have now that you've been a Scrum Master or Product Owner for a bit? Ones that you wish you'd asked during the class?
Well, Scrumlab is the place to start. We're really excited about building a community of Scrum practitioners who can help each other do better Scrum, be more Agile, have more fun, and maybe change the world for the better. A little bit, anyway.
And this is just the beginning. Over the next couple months we'll have papers and patterns, handbooks and cheatsheets, videos, slides, and a whole host of other material I've been gathering for years and have finally have a good place to share it.