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Driving Continuous Improvement

Find a vast array of advanced scrum topics and patterns that can increase your Team’s Velocity. Online courses and classes for Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, and those team members seeking continuous improvement. If you’re not a member, visit our pricing and plans page for more detail.

Patterns: Finish Early, Accelerate Faster

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) is a Scrum pattern language composed of  a number of Scrum Patterns used together. FEAF is an incredibly powerful pattern language because it will help new Teams establish good practices and take experienced Teams  Hyper-Productive; defined as a Vélocité 400% higher than a Teams’ initial Velocity.

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Scrum Retrospectives

One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Rétrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity.

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All Continuous Improvement Topics

How to Launch a Scrum Team

How to Launch a Scrum Team We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old ones. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on how to launch a Scrum team and how to overcome the most common impediments. Estimated time…

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Multitasking Multitasking is a form of wasted motion. Taiichi Ohno, in his book: The Toyota Production System outlined multiple forms of waste. Multitasking is a classic form of Muda, or wasted effort. It happens when people, systems or machines switch between...

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Quotidiennement Scrum

Daily Scrum After Sprint Planning, the Team gets to work and meets every day for the Daily Scrum. All team members working on the Sprint Backlog need to attend and should standup to help keep the meeting short (no longer than 15 minutes). During the Daily Scrum, each...

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Scrum Pitfalls Part II

Scrum Pitfalls Part II Scrum Pitfalls Part II continues the conversation from Part I and dives deeper into the missteps we see Agile organizations commonly make. This episode will examine the role of leadership in Scrum and the importance of removing the right...

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Passer à l'action

Getting to Done The second value in the Agile Manifesto is to have working product at the end of every sprint. Yet only 20% of teams that call themselves ‘Agile’ actually do. There is a lot of bad agile out there. It doesn’t have to be this way. Getting to Done isn’t…

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Scrum Fondamentaux

Scrum Fundamentals Scrum Fundamentals is designed to help get new teams up and running and more experienced Teams back on track. If you want to get more out of Scrum than you are getting, this course can fine tune your current practices by explaining the “why” behind...

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Scrum in Sales

Scrum in Sales Scrum has it’s roots in software development, but it is often applied in other domains. Manufacturing, education, contracting, defense, even non-profit work. One area of early success in adopting Scrum has been sales. Businesses that have…

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Scrum Inc. at SXSW

If you're heading to SXSW, on Monday, March 16th, the Scrum Inc. Team is gathering a group of volunteers to build a car from scratch. No experience in Agile or Automotive Manufacturing needed. The eXtreme Manufacturing Build Party will have self-organizing Scrum teams...

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Scrum Inc. at SXSW

If you're heading to SXSW, on Monday, March 16th, the Scrum Inc. Team is gathering a group of volunteers to build a car from scratch. No experience in Agile or Automotive Manufacturing needed. The eXtreme Manufacturing Build Party will have self-organizing Scrum teams...

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