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Découvrez une vaste gamme de sujets et de modèles scrum avancés qui peuvent augmenter la vélocité de votre équipe. Cours en ligne et classes pour Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, et les membres de l'équipe qui cherchent à s'améliorer continuellement. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre page de tarifs et de plans pour plus de détails.

Modèles : Finir tôt, accélérer plus vite

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) est un langage de modèles Scrum composé d'un certain nombre d'éléments suivants Modèles Scrum utilisés ensemble. Le FEAF est un langage de modèles incroyablement puissant parce qu'il aide les nouveaux utilisateurs à Les équipes établir des bonnes pratiques et prendre des équipes expérimentées  Hyperproductif; défini comme un Vélocité 400% supérieure à la vitesse initiale de l'équipe.

Visitez la page complète du cours.

Scrum Rétrospectives

L'un des principes fondamentaux de Scrum est l'idée d'amélioration continue. Chaque Sprint les L'équipe s'engage dans un cycle d'inspection et d'adaptation au cours de l'année. Rétrospective réunion. Cependant, le guide Scrum n'offre pas beaucoup d'informations sur la manière de mener une rétrospective réussie et d'utiliser la réunion pour améliorer la production, la qualité et la rapidité.

Visiter la page complète du cours.

Tous les sujets relatifs à l'amélioration continue

Is Your Company Agile?

On my recent book tour in London, I was asked to appear on Sky News. They asked me to talk about why the United Kingdom's productivity is less than other G7 countries. The hot topic of the day was earnings reports from U.K. companies and U.S. companies based in the...

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Cultivating Continuous Transformation

Recently, I listened to a presentation by a CTO of a large software company. During the presentation, the CTO talked about a common misconception that the farmer grows food. The fact is, he pointed out, that food grows itself. Plants have the power and ability within...

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Extreme Manufacturing Yellow Belt Class

Accelerate all of your company with Joe Justice, the creator of eXtreme Manufacturing. Together we will practice with attendees how to set up new teams, collaborate with remote teams, stay in sync across a wide portfolio of backlogs, and work as cross functional teams...

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Yesterday’s Weather

Yesterday's Weather Yesterday’s Weather is a Scrum pattern that helps Teams quickly calculate how many Points they will likely complete in the upcoming Sprint. The name comes from the fact that the best predictor of today’s weather is yesterday’s weather. In most...

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Do You Need a Transition Team?

We recently assessed a young Scrum implementation and our observations led to a lot of discussion around the office. We saw excited teams, a stable cadence of meetings, and leadership eager to support the implementation — in other words, a very promising start. Yet...

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“Scrum” Book Tour Events

Silicon Valley 10/7 Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network presents: Disruptive Leadership: The Power of Scrum   Atlanta 10/13 VersionOne presents: An Agile Community Event with Jeff Sutherland, co-Creator of Scrum   London 10/21-22 BBC World Service -...

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Book Launch – Silicon Valley, Atlanta, Paris, London

In October I began a month's worth of events in the U.S. and Europe this week promoting my new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. The first event was a Reddit IAMA. One question I liked: jf200399:  Hi Jeff, we know about the mechanics and...

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The Origins of the Daily Scrum

Jeff's new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time is coming out on September 30, 2014. I thought I'd share an excerpt from it on how the Daily Scrum came to be. Pre-order the book from Amazon, BN, iTunes, or Indiebound. With the first Scrum team...

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