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Découvrez une vaste gamme de sujets et de modèles scrum avancés qui peuvent augmenter la vélocité de votre équipe. Cours en ligne et classes pour Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, et les membres de l'équipe qui cherchent à s'améliorer continuellement. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre page de tarifs et de plans pour plus de détails.

Modèles : Finir tôt, accélérer plus vite

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) est un langage de modèles Scrum composé d'un certain nombre d'éléments suivants Modèles Scrum utilisés ensemble. Le FEAF est un langage de modèles incroyablement puissant parce qu'il aide les nouveaux utilisateurs à Les équipes établir des bonnes pratiques et prendre des équipes expérimentées  Hyperproductif; défini comme un Vélocité 400% supérieure à la vitesse initiale de l'équipe.

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Scrum Rétrospectives

L'un des principes fondamentaux de Scrum est l'idée d'amélioration continue. Chaque Sprint les L'équipe s'engage dans un cycle d'inspection et d'adaptation au cours de l'année. Rétrospective réunion. Cependant, le guide Scrum n'offre pas beaucoup d'informations sur la manière de mener une rétrospective réussie et d'utiliser la réunion pour améliorer la production, la qualité et la rapidité.

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Tous les sujets relatifs à l'amélioration continue

Agile Means Get Rid of Test Teams!

Microsoft got agile years ago in tools development. You can read about that in Agile Software Development with Visual Studio where they describe how 3000 developers cut their bugs from 30,000 down to 3,000. They now deliver a new release of all development tools every...

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Points vs Hours

Points vs. Hours Estimation is a fundamental building block in Scrum. Without it Product Owners and Scrum Masters will struggle with securing a release date and showing velocity improvement. When adopting Scrum the tendency is to continue approximating in time….

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Scrum for Hardware

Scrum for Hardware Scrum inventor Jeff Sutherland and WikiSpeed founder Joe Justice discuss eXtreme Manufacturing and how you can implement test-driven hardware development using the Scrum framework. Learn how WIKISPEED invented a new manufacturing process that can...

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Retropectives One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that, the Scrum Guide does not offer much insight into how to run a successful…

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Definition of Ready

Having a Definition of Ready means that stories must be immediately actionable. The Team must be able to determine what needs to be done and the amount of work required to complete the User Story or PBI.

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Calculating Business Value

Calculating Business Value Calculating business value and using that insight to prioritize the Product Backlog is one of the most important things an Product Owner can do to drive profits and achieve a competitive advantage using Scrum. Estimated time for this course:…

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L'équipe Scrum

The Scrum Team The Scrum Team is made up of the people who actually work on Product Backlog Items during a Sprint.The fundamental unit of Scrum is a small team of people, a Scrum Team. The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers...

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Scrum Master

Scrum Master The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team's effectiveness. They are tasked with making sure everyone understands Scrum theory and practice. The Scrum Master serves the team by: Coaching the Developers (anybody working on the sprint increment),...

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Product Backlog Item (PBI)

Product Backlog Items (PBI) Product Backlog Items (PBIs) are the elements that make up the Product Backlog. Estimated time for this course: 5 minutesAudience: BeginnersSuggested Prerequisites: Scrum Framework Upon Completion you will: Know what kinds of items can be...

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Product Owner

Product Owner The Product Owner is the Team member who knows what the customer wants and the relative business value of those wants. He or she can then translate the customer's wants and values back to the Scrum team. Estimated time for this course: 10...

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