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Découvrez une vaste gamme de sujets et de modèles scrum avancés qui peuvent augmenter la vélocité de votre équipe. Cours en ligne et classes pour Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, et les membres de l'équipe qui cherchent à s'améliorer continuellement. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre page de tarifs et de plans pour plus de détails.

Modèles : Finir tôt, accélérer plus vite

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) est un langage de modèles Scrum composé d'un certain nombre d'éléments suivants Modèles Scrum utilisés ensemble. Le FEAF est un langage de modèles incroyablement puissant parce qu'il aide les nouveaux utilisateurs à Les équipes établir des bonnes pratiques et prendre des équipes expérimentées  Hyperproductif; défini comme un Vélocité 400% supérieure à la vitesse initiale de l'équipe.

Visitez la page complète du cours.

Scrum Rétrospectives

L'un des principes fondamentaux de Scrum est l'idée d'amélioration continue. Chaque Sprint les L'équipe s'engage dans un cycle d'inspection et d'adaptation au cours de l'année. Rétrospective réunion. Cependant, le guide Scrum n'offre pas beaucoup d'informations sur la manière de mener une rétrospective réussie et d'utiliser la réunion pour améliorer la production, la qualité et la rapidité.

Visiter la page complète du cours.

Tous les sujets relatifs à l'amélioration continue

Everyone Scrum!

By Joel Riddle Scrum is exploding across the industry according to the latest annual State of Agile Survey. Yesterday I talked to Robert Holler, CEO of VersionOne, a maker of agile tools and the sponsor of the survey. He believes the most dramatic number is a 14%...

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Work Less, Get More Done!

There was a really interesting Op-Ed in Sunday’s New York Times by Tony Schwartz at The Energy Project. As any good Scrum Master knows, finding a sustainable pace for the team is incredibly important to increasing velocity. At Scrum Inc., we talk about avoiding Muri...

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Another Waterfall Disaster: Steve Denning for Forbes

Reconciling Innovation With Control: The Air Force's $1.3 Billion Lesson In Agile Steve Denning, Forbes 11 Dec 2012 What are we to make of the news that the Air Force recently canceled a six-year-old software modernization effort that had consumed $1.3 billion and...

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Scrum and Lean: Building Cars

As we prepare for the joint Joe Justice/WikiSpeed Scrum training in Redmond on 4-5 February, I'm reviewing the connection between Scrum and Lean. We continue to meet with key staff of the Lean Enterprise Institute to discuss opportunities to work together. John Shook,...

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WIKISPEED, Scrum Inc, and Solutions IQ Team Up

Here at Scrum Inc. we are really excited about this new class we're doing with Joe Justice on taking Scrum beyond just software. Dear Agilistas, Are you enjoying what Scrum Project Management is doing for your software delivery teams? How about sharing some of that...

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Richard Hackman and Scrum

A guest post from Jens Meydam (@jmeydam) on the death of Richard Hackman.  A few days ago, on January 8, a man passed away who may be considered one of the patron saints of Scrum, even though he had never heard of Scrum and few in the Scrum community know his name....

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Requirements for Product Owner: Common Pitfalls

Recently during a leadership workshop an engineering manager complained that his Scrum teams deliver the product and that it was not what the customer wanted. He thought this was a problem with Scrum. I pointed out that the Product Owner determines what is DONE at the...

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Scrum Goes Mainstream in France

As Scrum enters the mainstream, Xebia France has become one of the leading Scrum coaching companies for French developers. What they have noticed is that as Scrum expands, the basic ideas become watered down. For example, their Scrum Master Academy Rule #2, is the the...

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Continuous Improvement for a Perfect 10

By Arline Sutherland I remember sitting on the basement steps in the summer of 1976 watching Nadia Comaneci win the worlds first perfect 10 in the history of modern gymnastics.  Her command of the whirling routine on the uneven bars was a marvel. The announcers told...

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Waterfall to Agile

Ade Shokoya of agile.tv has written a good book on Waterfall to Agile. The added value starts in the preface:As you know, the global economy is very volatile at the moment, and things aren't looking like they will get better any time soon. Across Europe and America...

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