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Découvrez une vaste gamme de sujets et de modèles scrum avancés qui peuvent augmenter la vélocité de votre équipe. Cours en ligne et classes pour Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, et les membres de l'équipe qui cherchent à s'améliorer continuellement. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre page de tarifs et de plans pour plus de détails.

Modèles : Finir tôt, accélérer plus vite

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) est un langage de modèles Scrum composé d'un certain nombre d'éléments suivants Modèles Scrum utilisés ensemble. Le FEAF est un langage de modèles incroyablement puissant parce qu'il aide les nouveaux utilisateurs à Les équipes établir des bonnes pratiques et prendre des équipes expérimentées  Hyperproductif; défini comme un Vélocité 400% supérieure à la vitesse initiale de l'équipe.

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Scrum Rétrospectives

L'un des principes fondamentaux de Scrum est l'idée d'amélioration continue. Chaque Sprint les L'équipe s'engage dans un cycle d'inspection et d'adaptation au cours de l'année. Rétrospective réunion. Cependant, le guide Scrum n'offre pas beaucoup d'informations sur la manière de mener une rétrospective réussie et d'utiliser la réunion pour améliorer la production, la qualité et la rapidité.

Visiter la page complète du cours.

Tous les sujets relatifs à l'amélioration continue

First Scrum Capability Rating Awarded

This summer Scrum Inc. launched its Scrum Capability Assessment program. The Assessment was carefully developed and exhaustively tested to give teams and companies measurable and detailed insight into the health of their Scrum implementation. The results are targeted, actionable steps organizations can take immediately to improve. Companies demonstrating a top-notch Scrum implementation are also recognized for their performance with a rating and award. The intent is to recognize companies that go the extra mile and implement a thorough and thoughtful Scrum that delivers excellent results.

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Making the Daily Standup Work

As the author of the paper Scrum in Church, I’ve been invited to give a talk about using Scrum in non-IT settings.  It’s hard to find a setting more removed from software development than a church! For the past two years I have been working at Scrum Inc. where we do...

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Update: Scrum Metrics for Hyperproductive Teams

The Scrum Metrics for Hyperproductive Teams: How They Fly Like Figher Aircraft will be presented at the IEEE HICSS Conference in Maui in January. A preliminary copy is available online at the link above. Previously, OpenView Venture Partners videotaped the Scrum...

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Outsourcer Says: Do Not Outsource

Guest Blog By Peter Vaihansky, GM Americas, First Line SoftwareDo not outsource your software development. Yes, you read that right. I work for a software development outsourcing firm, and I am telling you not to outsource. But why not? Everyone’s doing it, and...

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One Manager at a Time

By: Laura Althoff, Scrum Master and Executive Director of Scrum Inc. Last weekend while catching up with my mom on the phone the topic of Agile arose.  I'd off-handedly let her know that I had presented at the Agile Boston monthly meeting, but this story prompted...

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Announcing Scrumlab:

The definitive online community and resource for Scrum   I’ve trained at last count, some 7,000 Scrum Masters. That's a lot of change to unleash into the world, and the stories I hear are nothing short of inspiring. I also hear a lot of questions on every topic...

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GAO Report on Agile Practices in Government

The government is waking up to the incredible waste in federal software procurement. In 2000, a DOD study showed that 75% of $34B in projects was totally wasted. Ken Schwaber and I reviewed the Sentinel Project at the FBI in our latest book Software in 30 Days and...

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Announcing Scrumlab! Where To Get Answers On Scrum.

I've trained, at last count, some 7,000 Scrum Masters. That's a lot of change to unleash into the world, and the stories I hear are nothing short of inspiring. I also hear a lot of questions on every topic under the sun. I've done my best to answer them one on one,...

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