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Découvrez une vaste gamme de sujets et de modèles scrum avancés qui peuvent augmenter la vélocité de votre équipe. Cours en ligne et classes pour Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners, et les membres de l'équipe qui cherchent à s'améliorer continuellement. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre page de tarifs et de plans pour plus de détails.

Modèles : Finir tôt, accélérer plus vite

Finish Early, Accelerate Faster (FEAF) est un langage de modèles Scrum composé d'un certain nombre d'éléments suivants Modèles Scrum utilisés ensemble. Le FEAF est un langage de modèles incroyablement puissant parce qu'il aide les nouveaux utilisateurs à Les équipes établir des bonnes pratiques et prendre des équipes expérimentées  Hyperproductif; défini comme un Vélocité 400% supérieure à la vitesse initiale de l'équipe.

Visitez la page complète du cours.

Scrum Rétrospectives

L'un des principes fondamentaux de Scrum est l'idée d'amélioration continue. Chaque Sprint les L'équipe s'engage dans un cycle d'inspection et d'adaptation au cours de l'année. Rétrospective réunion. Cependant, le guide Scrum n'offre pas beaucoup d'informations sur la manière de mener une rétrospective réussie et d'utiliser la réunion pour améliorer la production, la qualité et la rapidité.

Visiter la page complète du cours.

Tous les sujets relatifs à l'amélioration continue

On Fighter Pilots and Product Owners

The first Scrum Team was created in 1993 at the Easel Coporation in Massachusetts. Perhaps Jeff's most careful hire, and most thorough training, was the first Product Owner. He drew on his experience as a fighter pilot in Vietnam when thinking about the role of...

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Get your papers ready for the January 2013 HICSS conference (in Maui)!  The Agile and Lean Organizations track will be one half day during the 4-day conference. HICSS is a conference with a wide-variety of researchers (not just software) interested in...

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Google Automation of my QA Strategy

I have consistently found in my own companies and Openview Venture Partners companies that I coach that carefully prioritized implementation of acceptance tests produces higher quality faster than anything I have seen.An Open-E in Poland they implemented continuous...

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Software in 30 Days is Out!

The official publication of "Software in 30 Days" is May 1. The book is a collaboration between the two creators of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber. The goal of Scrum is to actually have working software at then end of each Sprint, which should be 30 days or...

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Scrum: The Future for Education?

When we first heard about teachers using Scrum in a classroom we had to know more and got in touch with those teachers through Ilja Heitlager at Schuberg Philis in the Netherlands. Here's what they sent in. It's translated into English from the original Dutch....

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The Agile Manifesto, Elaborated

The Agile Manifesto is one of those documents that at one level is simple, but actually holds a lot of meaning: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation...

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In the end, resistance is futile. Change or die.

Steve Denning has written a great post over at Forbes addressing some of the traditional management arguments against Scrum. His key point, I think. "What’s wrong here is the corporate culture, not Agile. Surviving in today’s marketplace requires individual and team...

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