Aggressive Scrum - What Happens When You Actually Remove Your Impediments?
There are endless studies of dysfunctional Scrum and 1000 ways to implement ScrumBut. But what happens when a company, a coach, or a team aggressively implements Scrum and successfully removes impediments. I'll discuss three papers presented at Agile 2010 as snapshots of successful Scrum. The first is an artificial life company in Finland where the entire management team got on board with Scrum. The paper on how the managers felt after a company wide Scrum implementation has some interesting findings. The second snapshot shows how an Agile coach successfully produced a hyperproductive team every time he became ScrumMaster. His metrics for hyperproductive teams are something everyone doing Scrum should know about. The third snapshot describes a companywide transition to Scrum that was executed in two months. Running headlong into your companies biggest impediment at full speed is a story not to be missed. Published results on each of these three snapshots are available. Click to download slides.
D. Friis, J. Ostergaard, and J. Sutherland, "La réalité virtuelle rencontre le Scrum : comment une équipe de direction est passée de la gestion au leadership," in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems, Kauai, Hawaii, 2011.
J. Sutherland and S. Downey. Scrum Metrics for Hyperproductive Teams. Agile 2010, Orlando.
J. Sutherland and R. Frohman, "Se heurter au mur : Que faire lorsque des équipes Scrum très performantes débordent les opérations et l'infrastructure ?," in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems, Kauai, Hawaii, 2011.