Votre navigateur ne supporte pas JavaScript ! HICSS Agile Papers deadline 15 June 2008 - Scrum Inc.
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Il est temps pour vous d'obtenir vos théories agiles les plus scintillantes.
ensemble, rédiger un article qui pourrait être publié dans la revue IEEE
et passer une semaine dans la magnifique ville d'Hawaï en janvier prochain. Ça vous dit quelque chose ?
Alors, écrivez !

HICSS-42 CALL FOR PAPERS - due 15 June 2008
January 5-8, 2009
Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort
Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii

HICSS-42 offers a unique, highly interactive and professionally
Un environnement stimulant que les participants trouvent "très utile - beaucoup de
des perspectives et des idées différentes à la suite d'une discussion". HICSS
sont essentiellement constituées de présentations d'articles soumis à un comité de lecture ; les
La conférence n'accueille pas de présentations de vendeurs. Toutes les communications sont soumises à un comité de lecture.
Les articles évalués et acceptés sont publiés dans la bibliothèque numérique de l'IEEE.

Software Technology Minitrack
Développement logiciel agile : Lean, Distributed, and Scalable (allégé, distribué et évolutif)
(Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield)

Agile software development processes have been influenced by best
practices in Japanese industry, particularly by lean product
development principles implemented at companies like Honda and Toyota,
and knowledge management strategies developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka, now at the Hitotsubashi Business School in Japan, and Peter Senge at
MIT. This Minitrack will focus on advancing the state of the art or
presenting innovative ideas related to agile methods, individual
practices and tools.

Accepted papers will potentially enrich the body of knowledge and
influence the framework of thought in the field by investigating Agile
methods in a rigorous fashion.

We are open to research papers on multiple aspects of agile methods,
particularly those that bring best practices in knowledge management
and lean development to scalable, distributed, and outsourced Scrum,
eXtreme Programming (XP), and other agile practices. Topics include:

1. Research on existing or new methodologies and approaches: informal
modeling techniques and practices, adapting/trimming existing methods,
and new product/project planning techniques
2. Research on existing or new techniques or practices: pairing,
war-rooms, test-first design, paper-based prototyping, early
acceptance test driven development, exploratory testing, refactoring,
or others.
3. Research on special topics or tools: configuration and resource
management, testing, project steering, user involvement, design for
agility, virtual teams or others.
4. Research on integrating ideas from other fields, e.g. interaction
design, requirements engineering, cognitive science, organizational
psychology, usability testing, software security, into agile processes.
5. Research studies of development teams using ethnographic or social
6. Research on agile software engineering economics.
7. Quantitative and qualitative studies of agile methods, practices,
and tools.
8. Research on agile compliance and cost benefits within CMMI, ISO
9000, and FDA certified development projects.

Papers are particularly relevant when agile process implementations
are shown to produce quantitative and qualitative benefits on
distributed, outsourced, large, or standards compliant software
development projects which have been previously been viewed
(erroneously) as unsuited for agile development.

To submit papers and read more about the conference please go to:

Jeff Sutherland
Scrum, Inc.
332 Congress St., 3e étage
Boston, MA 02210

Gabrielle Benefield
Institut de formation Scrum
Mountain View,
CA 94040
Courriel : gabriellebenefield@yahoo.com
