Mesures hyperproductives
Hyper-Productive metrics are designed to help Scrum Masters carefully tune their teams into a hyper-productive state. Hyper-Productivity is defined as a 400% increase in Velocity over the baseline Velocity with corresponding quality. The baseline Velocity (100%) is established for a team during their first Sprint.
Temps estimé pour ce cours: 105 minutes
Audience: Avancées
Prérequis suggérés: Vélocité, Scrum Master
À l'issue de la formation, vous serez en mesure de
- Be versed on the 10 KPIs that make up the Hyper-Productive metrics
- Understand the reasons for having more metrics than just Velocity
- Learn how to calculate Hyper-Productive metrics
- Know how to use Hyper-Productive metrics to keep your team(s) tuned
- Se qualifier pour le PMI UFC. Voir FAQ pour plus de détails
Hyper-Productive Metrics Overview:
These metrics are also applicable across Teams. Often it is difficult for management to determine the productivity of one Team versus another as Story Point value can vary from Team to Team.
Voir et télécharger les diapositives du cours
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The Metrics
- Velocity - ∑ of original estimates of all accepted work
- Work Capacity - The sum of all work reported during the Sprint, whether the Point de l'arriéré toward which the work was applied finished or not.
- Focus Factor - Velocity ÷ Work Capacity
- Percentage of Adopted Work - ∑(Original Estimates of Adopted Work) ÷ (Original Forecast for the Sprint)
- Percentage of Found Work - ∑(Original Estimates of Found Work) ÷ (Original Forecast for the Sprint)
- Accuracy of Estimation - 1-(∑ (Estimate Deltas) ÷ Total Forecast)
- Accuracy of Forecast - (∑Original Estimates) ∑ (∑ Original Estimates + ∑Adopted Work + ∑Found Work)
- Targeted Value Increase - (TVI+)Current Sprint’s Velocity ÷ Original Velocity
- Success at Scale - For each Point on the Fibonacci Scale (Fp), the formula is: (∑ No. Accepted Attempts of scale Fp) ÷(No. of All Attempts of scale Fp)
- Win/Loss RecordEach Sprint is a Win only if: a) A minimum of 80% of the Original Forecast is Accepted and b) Found + Adopted Work During the Sprint remains at 20% or less of the Original Forecast.
S. Downey and J. Sutherland, Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems, Maui, Hawaii, 2013
Thérapie de choc : Un tremplin pour une Scrum hyperproductive
J. Sutherland, S. Downey, et B. Granvik, in Agile 2009Chicago, 2009.