Dr. Jeff Sutherland covers the history of Scrum from its inception thru his participation with Ken Schwaber in rolling out Scrum to industry, to its impact on Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Oracle, Siemans, Philips, GE, and thousands of other companies. He describes the relationship of Scrum to experience at Bell Labs, MIT, iRobot, and the Grameen Bank, his communications with Kent Beck who used Scrum experience to help create XP, and how the Agile Manifesto accelerated Scrum adoption. Most important, he concludes by describing how team spirit is at the root of product innovation and hyperproductive teams and how that spirit can transform organizations.
Racines de Scrum Mise à jour : Conférence de l'ACCU, Oxford 14 avril 2010
par Jeff Sutherland | Avr 13, 2010 | Blog | 0 commentaires
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