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Augmenter les revenus dans l'entreprise

Nos classes et cours de leadership scrum s'adressent aux dirigeants qui cherchent à tirer parti de scrum pour générer des revenus au sein de leur unité commerciale ou de leur entreprise. Si vous n'êtes pas membre, visitez notre site Web. page des prix et des plans pour plus de détails.

Scrum à l'échelle 1

Alex Brown et Jeff Sutherland présentent Scrum at Scale Part I - un modèle orienté objet pour la mise à l'échelle de Scrum dans l'entreprise. L'approche modulaire permet au système global de fonctionner ensemble même si les modules individuels ne sont pas agiles. Visiter la page complète du cours.

Le leadership perturbateur

Jeff Sutherland, PDG de Scrum Inc. et co-créateur de Scrum, parle du leadership perturbateur et de l'inspiration pour son livre The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time (L'art de faire deux fois le travail en deux fois moins de temps) lors du TEDx d'Aix en Provence, en France.

Tous les sujets sur le leadership Scrum

Scrum "Shock Therapy" Comment changer d'équipe RAPIDEMENT

While he was updating his paper for Scrum "Shock Therapy," Scott Downey of Rapid Scrum found one of the original emails he wrote about how he boosted dozens of teams into hyper productivity. He comments below and the full paper was published as: J. Sutherland, S....

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White House Issues New IT Contracting Guidance

Greater Accountability and Faster Delivery Through Modular Contracting Posted by Joe Jordan, Steven VanRoekel on June 14, 2012 at 03:29 PM EDT Last week, we highlighted a number of ways in which reform of Federal Information Technology Management is giving taxpayers...

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Happiness Metric: The Effect of a Bad Boss

Bad bosses are one of most damaging factors in companies leading to unhappy employees which directly affects customer satisfaction and lowers revenue. One of the the primary effects of Scrum is to eliminate the bad boss. Any leader who wants to be better should take a...

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DoD Goes Agile

With waterfall failure after failure, even the government has decided to make Agile development a priority. Some people have a hard time believing this but I just want to take you through what happened in one department, the biggest one there is, the Department of...

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N'attendez pas. Commencez.

Sometimes when I talk with people about starting up a Scrum team, or transforming their organization to Scrum, they get paralyzed. They think there are just so many things to do before they can start Scrum. They’ve got to get the right tool, the right space, the right...

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Webinaire sur les indicateurs du bonheur

All the questions and growing excitement surrounding the Happiness Metric have made us decide to host a webinar on what it is, how it can be used, and how powerful it can be. Jeff's time is incredibly booked, and we know not everyone can make it to one of his classes,...

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Utiliser Scrum pour organiser sa vie

One of the most amazing and rewarding things to me is how Scrum is being used not only in software development, but in all sorts of areas, from schools and churches, to everyday. After I realized Arline was using Scrum to organize a family weekend, I asked her to...

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Mesure du bonheur - La vague de l'avenir

Mise à jour : l'archive du webinaire sur le bonheur est disponible. Nous passons en revue les recherches approfondies sur ce sujet. ScrumInc a utilisé la mesure du bonheur pour augmenter la vitesse de 500% en 2011. Le chiffre d'affaires net a doublé. La façon de procéder fait désormais partie d'un modèle formel à...

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Prendre le bonheur au sérieux

In preparation for our upcoming webinar on The Happiness Metric we've been doing a lot of research into how the world's leading thinkers are addressing the issue. Earlier this Spring, the Earth Institute published the first World Happiness Report for the United...

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Sur les pilotes de chasse et le Product Owners

The first Scrum Team was created in 1993 at the Easel Coporation in Massachusetts. Perhaps Jeff's most careful hire, and most thorough training, was the first Product Owner. He drew on his experience as a fighter pilot in Vietnam when thinking about the role of...

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Get your papers ready for the January 2013 HICSS conference (in Maui)!  The Agile and Lean Organizations track will be one half day during the 4-day conference. HICSS is a conference with a wide-variety of researchers (not just software) interested in...

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Software in 30 Days is Out!

The official publication of "Software in 30 Days" is May 1. The book is a collaboration between the two creators of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber. The goal of Scrum is to actually have working software at then end of each Sprint, which should be 30 days or...

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Scrum: The Future for Education?

When we first heard about teachers using Scrum in a classroom we had to know more and got in touch with those teachers through Ilja Heitlager at Schuberg Philis in the Netherlands. Here's what they sent in. It's translated into English from the original Dutch....

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Le Manifeste Agile, élaboré

Le Manifeste Agile est l'un de ces documents qui, à première vue, sont simples, mais qui, en réalité, ont beaucoup de sens : Les individus et les interactions plutôt que les processus et les outils Les logiciels de travail plutôt qu'une documentation exhaustive La collaboration avec les clients plutôt que la négociation de contrats...

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In the end, resistance is futile. Change or die.

Steve Denning has written a great post over at Forbes addressing some of the traditional management arguments against Scrum. His key point, I think. "What’s wrong here is the corporate culture, not Agile. Surviving in today’s marketplace requires individual and team...

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Nouvel atelier de leadership pour les cadres agiles

L'un des principaux obstacles à la transition vers Scrum et les pratiques agiles est la compréhension et le soutien de la direction. Scrum Inc. propose désormais un cours pour les managers et les cadres afin de les aider à passer à l'action. De plus en plus d'entreprises réalisent qu'elles ne peuvent pas être compétitives...

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Yet Another Waterfall Project Failure

California Scraps Massive Courts Software Project By Chris Kanaracus, IDG News California's Judicial Council has put the brakes on a long-running, massive software project that was supposed to modernize the state's trial courts case-management systems, saying the...

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Sustainable Pace – why it’s important

Why We Have to Go Back to a 40-Hour Work Week to Keep Our Sanity - Alternet by Sara Robinson One hundred fifty years of research proves that shorter work hours actually raise productivity and profits -- and overtime destroys them. So why do we still do this? March 13,...

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Leading vs. Managing in a Scrum Environment

Alex Brown, Scrum Inc.'s Product Owner and COO, had some thoughts on the role of management in Scrum, as he's been working on a workshop for executives for the past month or so. - jj It’s odd. A number of people have told us recently they don’t think management has a...

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Answering Some Questions

Jeff had a great webinar hosted by SmartBear last Thursday. If you missed it, here's the link to the archived webinar and the slides. We got hundreds of questions from the audience, and SmartBear sent fifteen of them on, they'll be posting all of them on their site...

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