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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

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All ScrumLab Open Topics

Give Thanks for Scrum 2017 – Scrum@Scale

Recently I attended the Agile-Boston Give Thanks for Scrum day. See Scrum Beyond Software GTFS 2017. There were great talks by many people using Scrum to make their work and life better.  My presentation was on the Scrum@Scale which is designed for full company Scrum...

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Part 2: Doubling Productivity by Scrumming Leadership

Part 2: Doubling Productivity by Scrumming Leadership by Steve Daukas | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog Read part one of Doubling Productivity by Scrumming Leadership In part 2, Steve shares his success and details the deployment steps of this Scrum at Scale transformation. My...

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Less WaterScrum More Agility at Agile Amsterdam

Less WaterScrum more Agility at Agile Amsterdam Scrum@Scale: The Path to Agile by Jeff Sutherland | October 25, 2017 | Blog The Agile Amsterdam 2017 conference started with my keynote on Scrum@Scale. I wanted to make four key points in this presentation: True Scrum is...

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Doubling Productivity by Scrumming Leadership

Doubling Productivity by Scrumming Leadership by Steve Daukas | Sep 29, 2017 | Blog If you love to cook like I do, or if you have ever watched one of the many cooking shows on TV these days, you'll understand when I say that leading a Scrum transformation of any size...

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Scrum Guide Revision 2017

2017 Scrum Guide Revision Webinar Watch the Full Video of the Scrum Guide Revision Webinar Please post your comments or questions related to the webinar on this page so that responses are transparent and shared with everyone. The Scrum Guide reflects the...

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2017 Scrummer Reading List

2017 Scrummer Reading List Last year our team shared a list of our favorite books and it was so popular, we've decided to do it again! This year's installment spans genres well beyond Agile to include Children's Picture Books, Health & Wellness, and Leadership...

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How to Optimize Your Kanban

John Cutler posted a Hackernoon blog titled "I Hate Kanban ..." with a picture of this board. If you don't want to hate your Kanban, you can optimize it using the strategy below. Overview For work that is interrupt driven such as a help desk or call center, a...

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What is Timeboxing?

What is Timeboxing? Timeboxing is allotting a fixed, maximum unit of time for an activity. That unit of time is called a time box. The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum...

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#SGCAL – The Shu, Ha, Ri of Scrum@Scale™

At the Scrum Alliance Scrum Gathering in San Diego, I presented a keynote talk on The Shu Ha Ri of Scrum. Pete Behrens tweeted a graphic summary. The first point in the orange box is "If you want to Scale Scrum get it working on the team first!" Scrum@Scale™ is a...

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Business Leaders in Japan Embracing Scrum

This past February, Japan’s telecom giant KDDI invited Scrum Inc. to deliver a Scrum Inc Scrum Master and Product Owner training. Dr. Jeff Sutherland and I traveled to Tokyo to teach these classes. KDDI also hosted an evening event for 100+ of Japan’s most prominent...

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Why Waterfall Doesn’t Scale

Recently a group of professors online asked me whether Scrum at Scale™ works. They agreed that agile approaches worked for small teams but were wondering about large projects. I told them they needed to do their homework and read the literature, also talk to the...

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How does a Scrum Master actually facilitate anything?

I was recently coaching a team and got pulled-in to mediate between the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. It was revealed that the SM felt under-utilized. As I probed for why, one of the company’ s executive asked, "In your training materials, it commonly states...

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Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST

While he was updating his paper for Scrum "Shock Therapy," Scott Downey of Rapid Scrum found one of the original emails he wrote about how he boosted dozens of teams into hyper productivity. He comments below and the full paper was published as: J. Sutherland, S....

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Backlog Refinement Takes You from Vision to Value

Backlog Refinement Takes You from Vision to Value by Ellen Gottesdiener and Jeff Sutherland Deliver Value Sooner Backlog refinement prepares your backlog for development. Investing in doing this well helps you deliver value sooner, can double your productivity, and...

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